Landing Ship Information
Wed Dec 02 2020
John Hatton
hans471 at yahoo.com
LST 325
I am writing in memory of one of our shipmates on the LST 325. Ad Munford served on the 327 from when it first sailed and was on it the night it exploded. His family never heard the whole story but he shared it with me before his passing.Ad joined the crew of the LST 325 when it came home from Greece. He worked on our LST for years keeping it running. I took over as Chief Engineer when Ad finally retired a few years back. Ad passed away not long after that.
He nearly avoided death the night the 327 was blown up. He was just about to go to his bunk after his watch when a buddy begged him to get a coffee and go up on bow for some fresh air as it was a beautiful night. Ad said they were only up on the bow for about five minutes when the stern of the ship exploded.
He was an engineer and immediately rushed down to the shaft alley to help with possible repairs. Years later when he reflected on that night he questioned why fate had saved him that night.
We work to keep alive the LST 325 and preserve the history of these ships and the men who served on them. A noted historian has commented that the LST was one of the most important ships in the war as it was the ship that could deliver the critical supplies, equipment and men right to a beach. LST's were the work horses of the war with over 1,000 being built during WW2.
I will never forget Ad's stories of the LST 327's war time history. He got very somber when telling of what it was like both at sea in a storm and of invasions of enemy beaches.
LST-325-JHa.jpg will be posted to gallery. Ed.
Tue Sep 25 2018
chance smith
chance.smith14 at yahoo.com
lst 1123
you left out the sedgwick county lst1123
Mon Jan 01 2018
Vic Collins
vbond0071 at aol.com
LST 166
Hi...do u have any info or pictures on this ship?
Sun Aug 28 2016
Rob Pennock
pennock at unetmail.nl
Hi, for many years I visit the camp site and surroundings of the area of the "green Beach" landing area near Dramont, plage du debarquement. By accident I found some of the remains of the wreck of the LST 282 while snorkling near the beach. A huge engine and a lot of steel debris is easy to see at approx. 4-6 deep. I made some movies and pictures with my gopro camera, but I was not able to find any other recent material from the wreck on the internet. I can upload these images but please advice me if this appropriate to do so. Thanks for the Information on this web site. I live in the Netherlands and I am still impressed how the people from the US helped to liberate Europe. Also my children can now understand some more of the history of their favourite holiday location.Regards and respect,
Rob Pennock
Sun Jul 03 2016
Craig Freeman
margin2005 at sbcglobal.net
My father served on USS LST-695. Your great website said to pass along info on other LST websites. Last year I set up this webpage for LST-695: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lst695/
Please note this source for LST-695 if possible.
Craig Freeman
Sat May 21 2016
Brian Miller
Brian_miller_77 at yahoo.com
Facebook Group
My name is Brian and I recently started a FB group devoted to landing ships, tenders, transports, and the like. I recently used some things from your site (properly credited of course) and wanted to invite you to check us out. We are a very small group and welcome your expertise. I've included the link so I hope to see your there.
Thu May 12 2016
John Hatton
hans471 at yahoo.com
LST 325 (current)
On April 7, 2016 Ad Mumford passed away. Ad survived the mine by shear luck. He had gotten off watch and was headed for his bunk in the stern when a buddy talked him into getting a cup of coffee and walking up to the bow for some fresh air. Eight minutes later the area of his bunk was destroyed along with many of his close buddies who were sleeping there. Ad lived a full life after the war and in 2001 came to Mobile Alabama and joined the crew of the LST 325 which had just returned from Greece. Ad served on the LST 325 becoming its Chief Engineer until 2015 when it just became too much. Ad succumbed to cancer in April of 2016. We,his LST 325 shipmates, carry on in his memory. Our ship was built right next to the 327. We keep the 325 running and sail once a year so that people will remember these ships and the proud crews who gave so much for this country.
Sun Oct 11 2015
John Hatton
hattonj3096 at yahoo.com
LST 325
I am current Chief Engineer on the LST 325 based out of Evansville, Indiana. You have nothing on your site about the 325 and her adventures. Heck guys, we are still sailing this thing!
Get in touch, we have so much info and a fully running LST to boot!
More info on the LST325 here
Sat Oct 03 2015
Ted Darcy
wreck2 at comcast.net
WFI Research Group
Wish to contact any next of kin of the missing lost on 15 August 1944. Planning Memorial.
Sun Oct 11 2015
John Hatton
hattonj3096 at yahoo.com
LST 325
I am current Chief Engineer on the LST 325 based out of Evansville, Indiana. You have nothing on your site about the 325 and her adventures. Heck guys, we are still sailing this thing!
Get in touch, we have so much info and a fully running LST to boot!
Tue Jun 09 2015
Noel Pratten
noel at prattenandassociates.co.za
I have noticed that Raymond Devere Johnson, who crewed on LST218, is loooking for any surviving fellow crew members for a reunion. Can you guys possibly help? Please let me know.
Thanks, guys.
Tue Sep 29 2015
Paul J. Cassavechia
paul.cassavechia.us at member.mensa.org
LST design at Fort Knox
My uncle, Alteo Lefty Cassavechia was a Staff Sgt., U.S. Army at Fort Knox from 1940-1945. He participated in the test research with U.S. Navy scientists and engineers regarding the development and design of the LST, Landing Ship
Tank. He served with Armored Force Hdqts., Armored Force School and Armored Force Replacement Center. He conducted training programs for trainees in armor tactics, tank gunnery, communications and maintenance. I would like to hear from others who served with my uncle or their relatives.
03/08/2014 00:41
via Facebook
Jeff Anderson
Does anyone know about ships LCT 147, LST 774 or LCT 873 I believe my father was on these 3 ship in WWII his name was Karl E. Anderson.
Aug 15th 2014
via Facebook
Shirley Savelli
15/08/2014 12:55
My Dad was a 3rd class water tender on LST747 serving in the Pacific
Tue Mar 25 2014
Frederick Golec
simong1326 at gmail.com
Landing Craft Control LCC 25479
My father served on this boat in WWII in the Philippines.
Does anyone have information or pictures for LCC 25479?
Wed Nov 20 2013
LST 314
Tue Jun 03 2014
Micheal G.Walker
war_monger57 at yahoo.com
My great uncle Ernest Dale Lee was a sailor on a LST at D-Day. He some how ended up on the beach and had to actually kill a German soldier. I know from his younger brother this much , but he would never talk about it. I found this out several years after he passed away. My other great uncle ,Ernie's younger brother told me this story and was going to fill me in on the rest of the story when he suddenly died from some simple surgery, problems. Can you point me in a direction to look for records, or accounts of this story and the LST that he might have been on. Thank you Micheal G. Walker
Sun Jul 21 2013
Dayle Wilson Smidt
Father was on LST 1057
How do I find out where this ship was deployed in WWII? Thanks for any help you can give me.There's actually a fair bit available. Try this search: https://www.google.com/search?q=lst+1057
Thu Mar 14 2013
Kenneth A. Faul
LST 887
Thanks - Taking nothing away from all Navy Ships - LST Sailors in War or Peace are a little different.LST887.jpg will be posted-1307
Wed Dec 05 2012
Chuck Garrett
LST 509
To Greenland 1951
Sat Jul 07 2012
LST 741
Here is a book from the LST 741 dated Aug 7, 1944, owner Jerome B. King then of East Orange, NJ., crew member. LST 741 was scrapped after the war.
LST_741_book_1.jpg will be posted-1212
Sat Nov 12 2011
Faye V. Redd
fvpredd39<at>msn.comI am looking for anyone who may have known my brother while he was in the SeeBees in Okinawa in 1956. His name was Clifford S. Palmer. I need this info/ Thanks
Sun Aug 05 2012
cheryl goss
Apc 42
my dad served on the Apc 42 which was an lcu. do you know where i could get any info on this as his 87th birthday is this month and i would love to find something for him. thanks, cheryl.
Fri Oct 14 2011
Joey Kelly
Unlike my father, Emmett Kelly Jr., many WWII Veterans never spoke of the war with their wives, friends or children, thus the purpose of my book, LST-783 CRUISE BOOK, A WWII Journal.From the Dravo Shipyards Yards of Pittsburgh to the Mothball Fleet of Green Cove Springs, Florida two years later, this 5.5" by 8.5", 316 page book is a blend of officer and enlisted perspectives entwined with historical facts into a daily accounting of a diverse group of men of various ages, rates, social class and lifestyles. Captain McAllister's letters home to his wife offer an unprecedented look at his officers, his crew and life aboard a Large Slow Target during war.
For more information about the book, please visit http://joeykelly.com/lst783.htm
http://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyKellydotCom#p/a/u/0/bqY7od4cKB8 (removed)
Sun Oct 02 2011
Andrew Chiu
LST (II) Pacific WWII
I am writing in hopes of identifying the LST a Marine Veteran was assigned to. He recalls it was an LST hull number in the 200's which sailed out of Pearl Harbor in a flotilla of five LSTs without escort to Kwajalein, Eniwetok, Saipan and Tinian (Kwajalein, the earliest of these battles was 31 Jan 44). This LST did carried supplies in reserve and never landed at any of these islands. Is there an online source listing LST Flotillas comprehensively along with deployment histories?
Sat Aug 13 2011
Fred Howcroft
USS Sutter County LST 1150
Could you add my site LAST1150.com
Fri Jul 08 2011
Richard Switzer
LST 327
I believe my dad, Edward H. Switzer served on 327 from July 1, 1943 through Aug 25, 1943 and may be pictured in the second picture on your web site.Fri Jul 08 2011
LST 326, NOT 327
Sorry, I mis-read my own notes; my dad served on 326, not 327
Tue Jun 21 2011
joe r irwin
uss windham county
served on ship 1958 thru 1961
August 17th 2011
WWII in Corsica
LCTs invade Elba
Wed Mar 30 2011
Carol Berkoski
LST 230
I am looking for any information regarding the missions and experiences of the crew on LST 230. My dad,Frank Lehman, served as radio man.
Fri Jan 14 2011
theresa lynch (stepen)
USS Ralph Talbot
My father passed away on 1/10/02 and was on the Ralph Talbot in WWII & wanted to obtain any photos there might be of him left somewhere. His name was: Andrew James Stepen, DOB: 2/7/20.I hoping someone out there might have some pictures that I can have of him.
Thank you..
Tue Jan 04 2011
Pieter Graf
Dear Sir,Then LTJG Phil Hinkle Bucklew was on D-Day, June 6, 1944, in command of a LCC. Do you happen to know the number of this specific LCC?
Yours Sincerely,
Pieter Graf
Hartzstraat 10
2273 KC Voorburg
The Netherlands
Mon Dec 20 2010
Candy Armstrong
arms306 AT sbcglobal.net
LST 121
My dad, Robert Olson, was on LST121 during the Pacific Theater. He was injured when it struck a mine. I believe there was another attack of some sort on it. If anyone remembers serving with him or has pictures, I'd be very interested in seeing them. He passed away in 1994.
Tue Jul 06 2010
Terry Millard
Hi I'm a serving member of the British Armed Forces and an avid model ship builder in my spare time, I've built a number of working models to date and would love the chance to build a working LST.If any of your members know of where i could obtain a set of design drawings for the LST i would be greatfull. Many thanks Terry.
Mon Mar 22 2010
Alice Ball Jones
LSM 434
I am trying to contact any descendant of Oscar Hasty, Jr., Larry E Green, James E. Horne, jr. who served with my father Fred Martin Ball on the LSM 434 from 1944-Jan., 1946.
Sun Feb 21 2010
Josh Moore
USS Enterprise
I am researching my grandfather's military service and found his name on this website (B.R Moore) He mentions being on the ship when it hit the mine, but is not listed on the crew's roster. Do you have any further information? Thank you for your help.There is a B.R. Moore on this page. Ed.
Sat Sep 19 2009
Cal Dellinger
I have just completed this site highlighting the service my father aboard the USS LST-741The URL is http://cstreet.us/LST741/
Cal Dellinger
More information on the LST741 here
Fri Aug 28 2009
iS THERE A LIST OF THE LANDING TABLE INDEX NUMBERS AND THE NAVY SERIAL NUMBERS FOR THE NORMANDY INVASION?Not sure I understand the question. Ed.Hi there,Thanks for the reply. The attachment LST165 shows in a Landing Table for LST-515 which carried the 50Th Signal Battalion to Utah Beach for the Normandy invasion. The number is in the upper left corner. There is another number which is the Landing table index number which is 392. In attachment LST166, which is the schematic of how the vehicles were to be loaded shows the Landing table index number NOT the number of the craft.
In the book I am writing, I'm trying to show what ships and craft the different units sailed on and when. What I am looking for is a list of LSTs by their hull number and the corresponding Landing Table index number for the invasion up the D+19.
I am going to the Army Transportation Museum this week the look through their archives and maybe turn something up. I hope this is a little more clear, hope you can help.
Tue Jul 21 2009
stephen marks-lamboy
LST 559
My father will be 85 soon and we are helping him gather his war memories for our family. He is Vernon Leverette Marks and was at Okinawa. Do you have any information on 559 and it's engagements?
LST-559 at the Wikipedia
Wed Jul 29 2009
James Raynor
karajilly<AT>gmail.comSeabee Engineer from Center Moriches, NY, Stationed in Okinawa 1956-1960. If you recognize him, please contact Rev. Raynor at Shirley Assembly of God in NY. He would love to reunite. (I am his grandaughter and he doesn't use the computer.)
Sun Apr 05 2009
LSM 46
Mon Apr 06 2009
Steve Wilson
LSM 434
My father, Donald Kirk Wilson, served on the LSM 434 1946-1948.
LSM 434 Crew Photo December 1946
Sat Dec 20 2008
Bill Voigt
LSM 371
http://k1go.com/lsm371/You can use the LSM 371 pic at the top of the page if desired.
Sun Nov 30 2008
Raymond Teske, Jr.
LST 50
My father was on MT 274 crossing the channel with B Troop, 121st Reconnaissance Squadron, 106th Cavalry Group when the James A. Farrell (MT 271) was apparently struck by a torpedo. My father was on MT 274. He ran up on deck and said it looked like a giant boot had kicked the Farrell. A Troop and HQ & Service Troop 121st Recon were on the Farrell and transferred to the LCT 50. (I have a question--if someone knows how the MT designations were assigned to ships/LSTs in the English crossings I would appreciate any information.)
Sun Nov 23 2008
Patrick Kukla
LST 230
My Dad was on LST 230 during WWII. Have lots of pictures. Is anyone still alive on his ship that can communicate!
Sat Oct 18 2008
Mark Prost
mprost<at>spvg.comMy grandfather, Victor Fontanez, was in the 36th infantry and had landed on August 15 shortly before the bombing of LST 282. After the ship was hit and exploded, he dove into the water and helped resuce people out of the water. For his efforts he received the Soldier's Medal. Victor Fontanez passed away in June 2008. You can read an account of his war exploits at http://www.govtrack.us/congress/record.xpd?id=109-s20060425-30. Thank you for this excellent site. I have always wondered about the details of what happened. Mark
Sat Sep 20 2008
Frank Sykes
Small Landing craft
My Dad (Albert P. Sykes) was a Gator and landed in Buna New Guinea, Tarawa, etc. I am attempting t find others in his outfit. Here is a recently published article:
http://www.wickedlocal.com/northandover/news/x475591792/Big-Al-livens-up-a-nursing-homeI can also send many photos of Head Hunters he took photos of.
Fri Mar 28 2008
Dr. alain Kerzoncuf
alain.ker<at>wanadoo.frLooking for a film title.
Released ca 1958/1960.
Started with a hit LSD towed by around ten LST (or LVTP?), to be safe from Japanese.Unusual order given by the Captain.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance,
Dr.alain Kerzoncuf
Fri Apr 11 2008
gerald cooke
LST 371
i am trying to trace any old ship mates from world war 2, or any photos of LST 371
Sat May 31 2008
Kenneth Recenello
My uncle was listed as a casualty on this ship. Since he was killed on the high seas, do you happen to know where his death certificate would be found? I tried NJ but there is no such record. Thank you for your time.
Mon Jun 02 2008
Mike Martin
I would like to contact the individual who posted a comment at this website about the passing of Dave Ellis, a crewman who served on LST-864 during WW II. Can you put me in contact with him?
Sat Jun 07 2008
lst 535
contact shipmates
Wed Mar 05 2008
Chris Horton
LST 510
This ship is still in use as the Cape Henelopen ferry going across Long Island Sound - Orient Point, Long Island, NY to New London, Conn. Go to the companies website at https://www.longislandferry.com/Default.asp for further information.
Sun Mar 02 2008
David A. Combs
USS Bulloch County LST-509
I was aboard the Dodge County from 30 Jan. '66 thru 23 May '66. I along with several of my shipmate from the USS Bulloch County came aboard and made a voyage to Iceland while awaiting the refitting of the Bulloch to be completed. I remember some of the cruise but not everything. I do remember that we had to pump off all of our ballast and a lot of our freshwater and wait for high tide inorder to enter the harbor. We tied up to a pier which had a fish cannery on one side and a whorehouse dead off the bow. The other thing that I remember very well is that my counterparts in the engineering department were a bunch of great guys. If there are any of the Bulloch County hands out there who would like to write I would love to hear from you. That goes for you Dodge County hands as well.
Wed Feb 27 2008
Harvey Alexander
LST 333
Would you mind adding the LST 333 site I have located at http://home.comcast.net/~jlp44/harv.htm (404)
to you site. I would appreciate it greatly.
Sat Feb 23 2008
frank feduik
uss lst 338 LCI 47
Thu Feb 21 2008
tom striggow
My Uncle,Herbert Myers served as Elect Mate,2nd class on this ship,during WWII. He passed away,at age 82,this past week. Wished I had found this site sooner, to share with him....
Sat Feb 02 2008
Anthony Adamski
U.S.S. Monitor LSV 5
The LSV was a Landing Ship Vehicle. There were only 6 of them. I was stationed on the Monitor LSV5.
Sun Jan 27 2008
Barbara Kain
LST 808
searching for any info on this ship that our father was serving on when it was torpedoed on 5/18/45 thank you in advance for ANY help that you can give us
Thu Jan 24 2008
Thad Russell
LST 393
its in Muskegon, MI ship
check google.Looking for any reenactor info/landing craft for Benton Harbor,MI area for June
Mark Harrison
U.S.S. L.S.T. 766
23:22 1/18/2008Hello ! I was visiting your site and found this page. I am fixing to open my site which I will have lots of photos
pics with unidentified crewmen and the site will also allow other people to add to the site.
I'm also looking to link up with websites such as yours and would greatly appreciate you adding my link to your site I will be more than happy to do the same.
http://lst766photos.wetpaint.com (404)
Wed Nov 07 2007
Joan Tuohy
LST 314
My father, Daniel Tuohy, served on LST 314 and was a survivor of her sinking on June 9, 1944. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has information on this ship. Thank you. Joan Tuohy
Fri Mar 14 2008
mike beaver
LCM 8 850
for some reason throughout all the writtings that i have seen here you give credit to lst's and lcu's as the backbone of the resupply mission in nam. lcu's could move up most rivers. lst's could not. many times the lcm8's were backloaded from the lst and lcu and made as many trips as possible up and down all the rivers and some creeks in the I corp. many of my shipmates were lost. including my boat and at least one other in hue during the tet of 68. we had 7 boats there who spent most everyday rain or shine war or no war on the perfume river. everyday. no lst's and lcu's maybe once a week or less. isnt it about time you woke up and honestly gave credit to the forgoten of the lcm8's and for that matter the lcm6 and 3's that were ahead of us dragging for mines on those rivers. a lot of us were lost both in men and boats. credit was given to others instead of those belonging to the 8 boats. the book "battle of hue" gave u boats credit for moving fuel up river. wrong. the 850 and 923 were the two boats running 10000 gallons of fuel in a crib in our welldeck and both boats and good men were hit and burned up on the river. its easy to be an expert but its not so easy doing the job and seeing your dead shipmates forgotten due to the experts rewritting history and giving credit to those who did not die for making the history. there are a few of us left. just plain simple people. i myself spent 21 years in the navy. i worked hue, qua viet dung ha and danang and the single boat south of danang the 860 by it self at liberty bridge. We arent looking for lime light. all we want is history written accuratelly. is that to much to ask for. thank you25/3/08
well all i see here is thanks for the info. my question was why do you not talk about the LCM8'S as cargo boats used mainly in nam on the rivers. at times i could carry 100 tons of cargo but averaged between 60 and 75 tons. when talking about that history of that war you only seem to state the LCU AND YFU'S were the only boats over there. at most they might make two trips a week up any of the northern rivers. we made as many as three a day. so you see you still havent answered my orginial question. thank you
Fri Jan 18 2008
Fred Simons
LST 673
My father, Lt James Simons, was a junior officer on LST 673 from approximately Oct. 1944 -June 1945. I am looking for any info on the ship and/or my father. He passed away on (appropriately) Memorial Day 1984. I have group crew photos and other misc photos.
Mon Dec 10 2007
Dallas P. Allison, Jr.
My father served on the LST-710 converted to USS Accomac during WWII. I would apprciate any information I can get on it. Thanks.
Fri Dec 07 2007
Tim Michau
My uncle, CPO Carl Michau was aboard when she was sunk on June 9, 1944. He passed away about 15 years ago never having talked much about it. The family is looking for more information on survivors and events.
Mon Jan 14 2008
James A Palmisano
LST 383
My Dad served on the LST383. He is died in 1993. I have many photos that he took while on the ship as well as newspaper accounts of their missions. Are you interested?
Sun Nov 18 2007
George A Spurr Jr
My friend David Nelson Ellis served aboard LST-864 during WW-II. David passed away this past week, November 13, 2007 in Loma Linda California. I just returned home from his memorial service-designed by Dave himself-at our church-Redlands Church of Christ in Redlands, CA. Dave was truly a wonderful man and loved by all who knew him. I have heard that he shot down an enemy plane from the ship even tho he was a cook.
Sun Nov 11 2007
Adrian Hunt
LCI 86
Grateful if anyone can provide any information /pics re this LCI.Many thanks from Scotland , UK
Wed Oct 10 2007
John R. Mertz
LST 218 and LST 655
My father served on both LST 218 and LST 655 during WWII. If there is anyone who has any information on damage reports on LST 655. My father was wounded during the Battle of Okinawa and I have been trying to get some sort of records. I have a picture of him being operated on but I do not have a date.
Thank You!!
Since I sent out this Email, my Father passes away on October 21. I found out that the LST he was on during the Battle of Okinawa was LST 218. This is the one I need ship logs or records on. Please ask anyone out there for help for me!!
hank You Again and Have A Great Day and Holidays!!!John R. Mertz
United Methodist Publishing House
Packing/Shipping Supervisor (D.C.)
Ph: 615-749-6011
Sat Oct 06 2007
Owen Triggell
otriggell<at>bigpond.comI am an Australian researching GM engine history. Recently I acquired a GM EMD engine publication dated 1942 for Model 12-567ATLP and 12-567ATLS engines which were LST engines though the book does not actually say so. I want to know the meanings of TLP and TLS in the model designations and EMD did not respond to my question. I know when the 567A engine was introduced and how it differed from the 567 before it. The book has good pix and brief specifications of the engines. Send any questions that you may have.
Thank you
Regards Owen
EMD 12-567 ATL Front View
EMD 12-567 ATLP for LST
EMD 12-567 ATLS for LST
Update June 2008
Last year I acquired a 1942 manual for the EMD 12-567ATLP and 12-ATLS engines so I
contacted EMD at La Grange asking for the meanings of the ATLP and ATLS suffixes. The A obviously means Model 567A engines which went into build during late 1941 for the USN. P means port engine and S means starboard engine but the TL had me stumped. My first message to La Grange did not receive a result but my second try later did and I wanted to pass this onto Richko.I am an Australian wanting to find Americans who know about and/or are interested in
early EMD engines. I also have manuals for 567B, 567C and 645E series engines plus a
large collection of Detroit Diesel and a small number of Cleveland Diesel manuals.
Please let me know if you may be interested in knowing more about my doings and my
background. I was an aircraft engine fitter with the Royal Australian Air Force from
1963 to 1983 and now I have a "full time" home based information service for engines and
tractors with GM engines being one of my specialties. Send any questions that you may
have. Thank you for your time.Regards Owen
Sat Oct 06 2007
Marlene Creech
LST 685
Would love to find someone who either served on her or someone connected with a sailor from this ship. My father-in-law, Virgil Creech Sr., was married with 3 children when he was drafted in 1943.
He was assigined to the 685.
Would love to know about it
landed troops and it's story.
Fri Sep 28 2007
Andrew Tegl
LST 283
I'm trying to find out where LST 283 was between 9/44 and 9/45. My now-deceased father-in-law (F1c Earl Kelly) served aboard her during that period. Any info about him or the ship's history would be greatly appreciated.
Mon Sep 24 2007
Kenneth Lee Davis
LST 451
We are looking for shipmates. We have an annual reunion in Branson. Many still attend! I live with my son and daughter-in-law. Can send a few pictures if you would like us to.
Sat Sep 08 2007
Bill Kneebone
Wish to contact anyone who served aboard from 44 to 46 Hope to hear from someone
5th September 2007
name: John McLoughlin
Email: palomamcloughlin<at>yahoo.es
Comments: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am trying to find a photo of the landing craft that carried my father to battle on the Anzio landings on 22nd January 1944. I have read the war diaries of my father�s battalion (2nd/7th Battalion The Middlesex Regiment) and they state that the unit disembarked with the 2nd Infantry Brigade around 4.00 a.m on 22nd January 1944 on the 'LSI 327'. Now I don�t know if this is a misreading of the diaries, poor handwriting on the part of the 2/7th Middlesex clerk or a correct reading. I have contacted a Royal Navy archivists who has no knowledge of an 'LSI 327' but says there was an LST 327, which was a US craft. Do you know how I could confirm that it was or was not the LST 327 that carried my father into battle? Do there exist records, which I can access, of the troops carried in the craft that morning?
Hope to hear from you.
Many thanks,Yours faithfully,
John McLoughlin
31st August 2007
name: Elvin Halstenson--(AL)
ship: LST 1011
Email: jshalst<at>comcast.net
Comments: My father was on 1011,Chief Comm..Stewart
He died when I was 15, would love any info-thanks--Steve Halstenson
28th August 2007
name: Gina K. Frakes
ship: LST 448 and LST 710
Email: gfrakes<at>aol.com
Comments: I am looking for any surviving crew members from LST 448 and LST 710 my husband's grandfather was on LST 448 when she was lost and he survived and he is looking for any other survivors. Please snd emails to me with a reference to US Navy LST 448 or 710 Thank You,
Gina K. Frakes
23rd August 2007
name: Vince DiPentima
ship: LST 478
Email: vdipentima<at>cfl.rr.com
Comments: Was on board and disembarked for the Guam invasion 7/21/44
22nd August 2007
name: Fred Suter
ship: LST 543
Email: fred_suter<at>hotmail.com
Comments: My father Fred Suter was on the 543 in the European and Pacific theaters. He is still alive and doing well. I am trying to find out if there is a reunion planned or if there is a website or other info available. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
21st August 2007
name: james spence
ship: lsm356
Email: jaybird44<at>verizon.net
Comments: would like to contact james spencer who was aboared lsm 356 year 44 to 46
name: clara rehs
ship: LST 338
Email: cfal1<at>verizon.net
Comments: My father, Pete Rehs, age 85
was on the LST 338....purple heart.
Does anyone have any information if any crew is living. My father is still living. Please e-mail me.
9th June 2007
name: James Alnwick
Email: jalnwick<at>aol.com
Comments: Researching information about my cousin RICHARD ALNWICK (AINWICK).
KIA Feb.1945 Iwo Jima
August 10th 2007
name: Cheryl (Downing) Bodenus
ship: LST882
Email: packermom2003<at>wmconnect.com
Comments: Hi,
My father served on the LST 882 having a hard time finding out anything about his ship he was a Petty Officer Third Class,Store Keeper. His name is Allan Downing can you help me?
August 6th 2007
name: Dante Montuori
ship: lst 1006
Email: montdan<at>verizon.net
Comments: Anyone in the crew of the lst1006 out there.
August 4th 2007
name: Anthony Flacco
ship: LST-774
Email: amflacco<at>verizon.net
Comments: Searching for crew members of LST-774. My father, Albert Flacco served on her from when she was commissioned to when she was decommissioned in 1946. Also, anyone with pictures of her, please contact me as it seems none exist.
July 7th 2007
name: Sue Simonds
ship: LST-458
Email: Atholgal2<at>aol.com
Comments: Would like to contact anyone remembering Herve Doiron (nickname 'Max') who served for a time aboard LST-458. He lived in Fitchburg, MA at the time he enlisted (April 1943).
June 26 2007
name: gregory bell
ship: LST 1153 Talbot county
Email: gregory_2<at>shaw.ca
Comments: How could you miss the talbot county?!!!, not only were we steam driven; but we were the only LST that had two 5'38 guns!!! I know because I became a 3rd class gunner's mate on her.
21st June 2007
name: Cynthia Rowles
ship: LST 635
Post moved to the LST635 page 0708
name: Delwin Kruschke
ship: LST 1154
Email: dkruschke<at>earthlink.net
Comments: During the K-War I was stationed at Little Creek, Va as a RM on the staff of Commander Landing Ship Flotilla Two and our flagship was the 1154. What I am looking for is wearing apparel bearing the old Gator logo. You know, the one with the tank coming out of the gator's mouth. If you know of any site or can put me in contact with someone, I really would appreciate it. We used to live in Anoka, but now live in Arizona. Thanks in advance, Del.
21st May 07
The reunion for the Washoe County LST 1165 will be in Norfolk Va. Oct. 10 till the 14 at the Doubletree Hotel Norfolk Airport Norfolk Va. Phone 757-461-9192
Regards Gaylon W. Hoffman
14th May 2007
name: Gaylon W Hoffman
ship: USS Washoe County LST 1165
Comments: I looking for reunion info
8th May 2007
Name: marco malagnino
comments: dear gentlemen,My name is marco and I came from vicenza, northern italy. My hobby is building models of ships made of plastic.
At this time I'm building a 2nd world war l.s.t., scaled 1/35. I'D need some pictures and, possibly, some detailed drawings illustrating the ship and its weapons, front side and internal area. When the model will get completed, I'll be glad to send you a picture of it.
Thanking you in advance (sorry for my english), I send you my very best regards.Marco malagnino
viale mazzini 139
36100 vicenza
April 29th 2007
name: Peter Shawhan
ship: LST280
Email: pshawhan<at>verizon.net
Comments: My father, H.R. Shawhan, was the gunnery officer of LST280, which landed British troops on Gold Beach in Normandy on June 6, 1944 and was torpedoed in the English Channel on the night of June 14-15, 1944. If you are interested in additional information, let me know.
name: clay kirwood
Email: racetiger123<at>yahoo.com
Comments: What about the LST818?No information at this stage. Ed.
April 18th 2007
name: Annetta Haven
Email: Brightfeather65<at>ao.com
Comments: I am looking for any information I can find about my paternal Uncle Jack McDuffie. He was a Pfc in the Army. Landed on Leyte Oct. 20, 1944. And was KIA in the Battle of Leyte Dec. 14,1944. I don't remember what Unit he was in. I would like to get all of his service records but I am having a lot of difficulty finding any online. Any advice would be most welcome. Annette
April 14th 2007
name: Rudy Delgado
ship: USS Cayuga County LST529
Email: rudydelgado<at>msn.com
Comments: anyone with info re the 529, would appreciate it be forwarded to me. I serverd onboard, 1959 to 61, Guam, M.I.
name: Deborah Kidwell
ship: USS LST 903
Email: deborah.kidwell<at>gmail.com
Comments: I'm looking for information on USS LST 903, a ship which my grandfather (now deceased) served on in 1944-46. Any sources you could point me to would be greatly appreciated.
Deborah KidwellThere is a contact for that ship on this page: http://vets.com/alumni/navy/usn-lst.txt . Ed.
March 23rd 2007
ship: LST 179
Email: rvcccaz<at>hotmail.com
Comments: any crew member who served on the 179 in 1942-1943
March 14th 2007
name: Glen Olson
ship: LST 543
Email: Glengobowl<at>aol.com
I live in Boulder City NV
Feb 20th 2007
name: Mike Grobbel
ship: LST-847
Email: mike<at>grobbel.org
Comments: I have 'published' a web site devoted to the history and crew of the LST-847.The URL for the web site is http://lst847.grobbel.org
I already have a link to your site on my 'Links' page. I would be honored if you would do the same by adding my LST-847 web site to your 'Links' page.
My late uncle was a crew member on the LST-847 and I researched the ship while at the National Archives in College Park, MD. My uncle also had saved some photos of the ship and I have received and added many more photos from his shipmates who have since found my web site.
Mike Grobbel
Shelby Township, MI
Feb 19th 2007
name: Paul D. Massey YN3
ship: USS LSM 448
Email: pdmassey<at>sbcglobal.net
Comments: Served two TAD Duties in 1955 & 1956 while station on GUAN, US NAVAL BASE. Would like to visit with any one that was there. Thanks Paul
Feb 16th 2007
name: Andrew
ship: Riverside Hull #102
Email: andrewmcginley<at>peoplepc.com
Comments: Very good friends wife. trying to locate her fathers ship, she states he drove a landing craft on this vessel. She baely remembers him. His name is Bonicace Banahan, ww2. Think the letters PA prefix the hull number. very old pic I am working with. Thank you. This realy means a lot this this fine lady. Tried many searches and cannot find this ship. Me former Radio op fm the uss d.h. fox dd779 1962-65. many tnx for ur help. Andy
Feb 14th 2007
name: H.R. Shawhan
ship: LST 280, LST 1041
Email: hrshawhan<at>optonline.net
Comments: I am writing this for my father, H.R. Shawhan, who is still alive as of the time I am writing this. His name and information is above. My name is Peter Shawhan; my e-mail is pshawhan@verizon.net. After graduating from Pomona College in 1943, my father took US Naval Reserve V-7 training at Northwestern University in Chicago. He was then assigned to serve as the gunnery officer of the LST 280 under Captain Brown. The LST 280 was sent to the south coast of England in the spring of 1944, landed British troops on Gold Beach on D-Day, ferried supplies and reinforcements to the beachhead, and was torpedoed in the English Channel on the night of June 14-15, 1944, limping back to Portsmouth with casualties and severe damage. (For those interested in the LST 282, my father knew Peter Hughes personally, rooming with him at one point in 1943 or 1944.) After serving as an assistant harbormaster for a few months, my father was sent back to the US to help launch and commission the LST 1041 as that ship's First Lieutenant. The LST 1041 was sent to the Pacific, where it performed missions in China, Guam, Saipan, and other locations. The LST 1041 was based at Agrahan Island north of Iwo Jima, preparing for the planned invasion of Japan, when the war ended. I will end this message for now, but there is more that my father and I can tell you about LSTs 280, 282 and 1041, so I hope that you will contact us when you receive this message.
name: Ingo Zeitz
ship: L 753'VIPER' ex LSM 558
Email: ingozeitz<at>netcologne.de
Comments: I’d like to show you some pictures from my period of service at the navy (of the Federal Republic of Germany) (1958-1961). Please take your time and have a look.Best regards
Ingo Zeitz
Jan 10th 2007
name: Shirley Herzog
ship: LST 1011
Email: Sh3433<at>aol.com
Comments: My dad Henry Herzog, served on LST 1011. Touring the LST that's moored in Evansville, IN brought back a lot of memories/names/details. about the ship. He was part of the tour that picked up German POW's in Oran, Algeria and took them to Italy. We have some pics of the ship, guns and prisoners if anyone is interested. We'd love to hear from anyone else with info from this ship. He remembers waiting in Boston in a hotel for the ship to be readied (it was brand new). There was a lot of scuttlebutt about the color it would be painted. Gray-blue meant you were shipping out to the European theater; camo meant the Pacific. Everyone was glad it was the Atlantic and Mediterranean!
Nov 24th 2006
name: dave blaz
ship: none
Email: daveandkimblaz<at>comcast.net
Comments: hi,
i have a lcvp from the uss inchon, lph12, i'm looking for history and stories from the shipA very good source would be www.ussinchon.com. Ed.
Nov 23rd 2006
name: Terry
Email: tamoshanter1965<at>comcast.net
Comments: any info on Gropak 1.My dad was in this outfit in WW2. It had to do with working on landing craft I think.Can find no meaningful reference to Gropak at this stage. Ed.
November 22nd 2006
name: Tony Foust
ship: USS Oneida
Email: aafoustaia2<at>sbcglobal.net
Comments: My father served aboard the USS Oneida (an LST) from approximately 1942-45. I can find no data on this ship or it's history. Can you help by providing a website or other places where I might look. Thanks.
According to Wikipedia: The fifth USS Oneida (APA–221) was commissioned in 1944 and decommissioned in 1946.
November 12th 2006
name: Richard Morris
ship: LST 499
Email: ttsolea<at>yahoo.com
Comments: is LST 499 the one that exploded off Normandy June 8th 1944? I was on the boat that exploded but am not sure of the number.
Thank You RMLST499 was sunk during Exercise Tiger, but I've not yet managed to determine whether it blew up. There is an excellent account of the action here:
Tue Nov 20 2007
B. Morton
re. LST 499
Enquiry from Richard Morris 12/11/2006. Reply inaccurate. LST 499 radioed for help during Exercise Tiger but was not sunk during the action.
October 24th 2006
name: Richard W. Dinneen
Email: rdinneen<at>carolina.rr.com
Comments: I am trying to determine my father's LST in the pacific during WWII, Can you look up military personnel records as to who was on which ship? thank you.Some WWII US service records are online, but by no means all of them. A good place to start would be the NARA Research Room
October 23rd 2006
name: Ralph Gardner
ship: 225 and 323
Email: cowtown02<at>earthlink.net
Comments: 225 was in the Saipan an Tinian invasions and and the Palau operation
323 was a lind-lease ship to the British. I was one of 5 member nuclius crew who were sent to England to bring the 323 back. After a crew was put together, we went to Germany and picked up a diesel turbin plus some other stuff and brought it back.
October 9th 2006
name: Mark R. Higgins
ship: LST 1010
Email: mhiggins<at>adhq.com
Comments: My Dad served on LST 1010 and participated in Normandy invasion. He died when I was 14, any information on 1010 in European theater or my Dad is appreciated. His name was Marvin R. Higgins and he was a Boatswain Mate Petty Officer 2nd Class. Thanks.
Sept 24th 2006
name: ian baish
ship: LST 324
Email: ian.baish<at>lycos.co.uk
Comments: Do you have any info on LST 324 my granddad served on it 1938-1945
Sept 20th 2006
name: Eddy Williams
ship: LST 655
Email: eddyw<at>rabalaw.com
Comments: My dad served on the 655 from late '43 through early '45. I'm looking for any info re: the crew during this time. Any help is greatly appreciated.
August 19th 2006
name: John L. Davis
ship: LST 664
Email: JDAVIS1773@msn.com
Comments: My Uncle - James Dare served aboard the LST 664 during the landing at St. Tropez France in August 1944. I'm trying to locate photos and a crew list for him. I would greatly appreciate information and pictures. Many thanks.
July 21st 2006
name: William D. Smith
ship: LST 738
Email: sbsmith3333<at>aol.com
Comments: My father-in-law was on this ship when it went down on Dec 15, 1944. He did survive. He recently had surgury and would like to know if he could get in contact with other crewmembers of this ship or perhaps any info on other survivors.
Thanks, Sally Smith
Local: Mon 3 Jul 2006
name: Jim Hopkins
ship: LST 1166
Email: jhop12<at>frontiernet.net
Comments: Please vist brownwaternavy or LST1166
http://lst1166.com/ has been added to the links page. Ed.
Local: Fri 30 Jun 2006
name: c pardee
ship: lst 1138- uss steuben county
Email: pardee<at>lst1138.com
Comments: I Just published the site 6/27/06 under the name of www.lst1138.com (closed)
use Yahoo. No other search has found it yet.Clair
July 2006
name: Robert Stone
ship: Lst 342
Email: rstone4<at>optonline.net
Comments: complete history of ship.
Rose Stone.......
There was an article published in True Magazine entitled; I SAW MACILLAN BARCLEY die. I would like to know the date and year of this magazine. My brother Anthony Petrone was also killed on this ship. I believe Smithsonian might have this magazine and could make me a copy of the article. Thank You
Rose Petrone Stone
Hard to believe, but the LST342 lives on as a tourist attraction in the Solomon Islands, and someone cares enough to repaint its numbers from time to time.
http://www.richard-seaman.com/Travel/SolomonIslands/NgellaIslands/Lst342/index.htmlThere is a discussion of the 342 here:
http://www.valortours.com/cgi-bin/boardposting.cgi?id=502A Crew Member, William Losty, killed when it was sunk.
name: Croft
ship: LST 291
Email: croft63<at>juno.com
Comments: I found several photographs of LST 291 that were about to be tossed out. Is there a vet from LST 291 that would like them so that they are preserved? 5 photos of ship and crew.
June 2006
name: Patrick D. shannon
ship: N/A
Email: patrickdshannon<at>juno.com
Comments: What internet site explains how LST bow doors were made seaworthy?
May 29th 2006
name: Glenn Knoblock
Email: glennknob1<at>juno.com
Comments: Am researching the service of Black personnel on this type of ship during the war as stewards, and those killed while serving on LSTs. Would like to get in touch with someone from your group. Thank you.
May 23rd 2006
name: Emily H.
ship: LCI 540
Email: hemily<at>telerama.com
Comments: My uncle, Charles Warren Faust (Terre Haute, Indiana) served on the 540. He passed away in 2004. I would like to find a photo of the 540; any suggestions?
Thank You,
EmilyLCI(L)-540 participated in the Invasion of Normandy , 6 to 25 June 1944
May 12th 2006
name: David Beaman
ship: LST 291
Email: dave4ness<at>cox.net
Comments: My great-uncle was onboard LST 291 since it first left Pittsburgh and during the D-Day Invasion. His name was Ernest Tucker. Anyone know him?
May 10th 2006
name: Howard Guidry
ship: LST 550
Email: jonhow<at>bellsouth.net
Comments: I have found dad's journal and photos while in Pacific Apr'45-Nov'45. Also numerous pictures of activities at Camp Bradford. How can I get them to you.
May 8th 2006
name: Saul Saldana
ship: LST 758 ( Duval County )
Email: Bckpakr<at>aol.com
Comments: Served on her from Jan'55 thru mid 1957
Friday, May 05, 2006 3:24 AM
name: Ron Albin
ship: LST 458
Email: rjalbin<at>inebraska.comI have had a small picture of LST 458 enlarged with good detail.
LST458 October 20, l944 - Leyte Island, Philippines
April 30th 2006
name: Lowell Hinners
ship: LST 1010
Email: BB63et<at>aol.com
Comments: Anybody remember Roy Hinners aboard the LST 1010 in Europe and the Pacific?
March 27th 2006
name: Floyd Pfannenstiel
ship: USS Holmes Cty. LST 836
Email: floydp<at>mwenergy.com
Comments: Looking for a Hector Flores. Also would like to hear from anyone who was on the ship from 64-67
name: Ronald J. Albin
ship: LST 458
Email: rjalbin<at>inebraska.com
Comments: My father James C. Albin was assigned to the LST 458 from Feb l0, l943 to Sept l945. He mentioned fellow sailors: Ed Kawecki, Bob Coe, Billy Decker Jr., John Derekes Jr. and Fred Wayda. I have a small picture of the entire ship with bow doors open on a beach landing. I have another picture of him standing next to a part of the topside superstructure with 4 painted meatballs flags proudly showing. James left behind a small book with dates, places and battles fought while on board LST 458. He passed away in Dec of l989.name: Ronald J. Albin
ship: LST458
Email: rjalbin<at>inebraska.com
Comments: Claude Kuykendall, who was the yeoman on LST 458 passed away in the fall of 2005. His widow says that he had accumulated alot of papers with regard to his WWII service on LST 458. She said he made his own camera and took alot of pictures - some when bombs were exploding near the ship. He stayed in the Navy and retired in l966. Someone ought to try and acquire Claude's records before this trove of info is lost to the landfill.
Feb 26th 2006
name: Bobby Vernon Lamb
ship: LST 283
Email: kimlumb<at>aol.com
Comments: Have you got a picture or list of the folks on this ship.
Feb 23rd 2006
ship: LST 857
Email: charlesl<at>cullmanec.com
Jan 9th 2006
name: Patricia St.Marie
ship: USS LST 314
Email: pstmarie<at>charter.net
Comments: Wonderful site :)I was wondering if you had any information about the USS LST 314 that was lost on June 9, 1944.
My Great Uncle Joseph McKeon was one of the sailors killed that day.
Thank you for any help,
Patricia St.Marie
Dec 8th 2005
name: K risty
ship: LST 458
Email: kngnordahl<at>aol.com
Comments: My grandfather George Petersen was on the LST 458 during WW2 he did Ensign duties. He passed away a few years ago. His war bride from Australia is still alive.
Sun 13 Nov 2005
name: Charles A. Davis Seaman 1c
ship: LST 1011
Email: tardydave<at>sbcglobal.net
Comments: I am trying to find information on the crew of LST 1011 that was in the convoy in southern france.
Nov 10th 2005
name: MM3 Vickers David
ship: USS Constellation CV-64
Email: david_v<at>verizon.net
Comments: My grandfather was a WWII vet and told me he served on an LST. is there anyway I can find out what ship he was on? and see it's history. He passed away in the late 90's.
His name was Everett Grey Lackey. He said he was a diesel mechanic.
that is about all I know.Below are three crewlists on this site. Also, there are links from here to various other landing ship sites and general navy sites which you could perhaps write to with the same query. Ed.LST282 Crewlist
LST327 Crewlist
LST50 Crewlist