Landing Ships

Crew of LST 282

Compiled from the official "Final Report of Changes" dated September 11, 1944, other Navy documents, and a list created by the York family.

* Those that lost their lives on August 15, 1944 during the invasion of Southern France, when the 282 was destroyed, are marked with an asterisk.

Ratings are last known. Cities are either hometown or place of enlistment.

NFR = Not in Final Report. These are listed in some documents but not on the "Final Report of Changes"

Click here for information on the Army personnel who were aboard when the ship was hit.

Please advise us of any changes, corrections or additions. If you have an e-mail address for one of the crew please also provide that.

Crew of LST 282
Tommy Aubut is in fourth row, second from left
Click image for larger view


Adams, Lamar Ray, RT1c - Philadelphia PA

Albert, Paul, Coxwian - Coverdale PA

Aubut, Thomas, MoMM 3/c - Duluth MN  Died 1/13/2005

Bryan, Harold A. , MoMM 2/c - Des Moines IA *

Bergner, Hans, Lt. (JG) Asst. gunnery Officer - Fredericksburg TX More Info

Beroth, Robert O. , Coxwain - Winston-Salem, NC

Blake, Kenneth E. , RT 1/c - Oakland CA

Blackburn, W. M. , S1c - Jacksonville, FL

Blustain, Sidney, Lt (JG) *

Bowers, Marion E. , Coxwain - Teccoa GA

Bridges, John W. ,  SC 2/c USN - Hickory NC

Brooks, Silas, S1c -  Belton SC

Brosius, Boyd C. , RM 2/c - Dornsife, PA

Brown, Benjamin F. ,  GM 2/c -  Oak Lawn IL

Campbell, Donald, Y 1/c - New York

Capps, Jack C. , SK 1/c -  Raleigh NC

Cecil, Louis J. , S 1/c - Bradstown KY

Creeden, Daniel F. , MoMM3c -  Boston MA *

Deel, John H. , SC2c - Murphy, VA*

DeGuzman, James F. , MoMM3c - Brooklyn NY

Deitz, Charles W. , S2c - McClure PA

Deitz, Edward R. , S1c - Altoona PA

DeLap, James A. , MoMM 3/c - Los Angeles CA

Dillingham, James C. , S2/c (Baker?) - Benton IL

Dobin, Jerome, Lt. (JG) Communications Officer - Bronx NY (NFR)

Dorsey, Lester L. , MoMM 2/c, Thomaston - GA

Dragin, George T. , RM3/c -  Chicago IL

Durkee, Edward, Lt. (JG) Engineering Officer - Shaker Hts, OH (NFR)

Dyer, William J. , GM 2/c - Savannah, GA

Fleming, John, P. , S1c (GM) -  Bloomfield NJ

Foy , George T. , EM 2/c - Brooklyn NY (see additional information below)

Fraim, Charles C. , GM 3/c - Baltimore MD

French, Albert B. , S 1/c - Bluefield VA

Gilbert, Lawrence E. , Lt. Commander, skipper - Habana Cuba? Died 11/13/02

Greeley, Francis X. , S1c - Dorchester Mass -  more info

Greenrock, Irving, S2c - Glenridge NJ

Gregoire, Raoul G. , S2c - Portland ?? (OR? ME?)

Griffith, Robert L. Jr. , S2c - Mt. Vernon, NY *

Grimm, Judson L. , S2c - Unknown

Grispino, Bartolomeo A. , S2c - New York NY

Guarino, Michael Louis, S2C - Newark NJ (see additional information below)

Guilbeault, Donald R. , S2c - Boston MA

Guiod, Raymond, RM3/c -  Boston MA

Gurish, William E. , S2c - New York NY

Gutowski, George A. , S2c - New York NY

Gwynn, Donald H ("R" in official record). , S2c - Rochester NY  More Info

Hacker, Billy P. , HA2/C - Unknown *

Hahneman, William R. , S2c - Newark NJ

Hall, Harry H. , S2c - Raleigh NC *

Hall, Page H. Jr, S2c - Richmond VA

Hall, Raymond W. , S2c - Bellsville NJ

Halloran, Joseph G. , S2c - Unknown

Hamm, Ernest E. , AS - Tuscaloosa AL

Hampton, David B. , StM3c - Kansas City MO

Hand, Paul E. , AS - Clarksville TN

Harris, George W. Jr. , MoMM3c - Norfolk VA *

Hazlinger, Paul L. , Coxwain - Unknown

Hoard, Joseph H, Coxwain - Atlanta GA

Heckman, George B. , Sm3/c - Unknown

Herzog, William A. , EM3/c - Hartford CT

Hoblet, Lowell E. , S1/c, Convoy OH

Holdon, Jessie L. , StM2c - Jackson MS

Horn, Arthur Jr. , SM3/c - Jewell Ridge VA

Hughes, Peter T. , Ensign , Gunnery Officer - New Rochelle NY* (NFR)

Hughes, William D. , CM 3/c, Woodbury NJ

Irwin, George T. , F1c - Los Angeles CA *

Jacobi, Vincent J. , S1/c - Unknown

Jamison, Ralph B. , SC 3/c - Coatesville PA

Jenkins, Charles D. , S1/c - Sumter SC

Johnson, Bunnley H. , PhM 3/c, Newport News VA (NFR)

Jones, Frank K. , MoMM 2/c, St. Louis MO

Jones, James W. , StM1/c - Raleigh NC

Jordon, Richard L. , Coxwain - Peru IN

Judd, Eldon N. , F1c - Bethany MO

Kamerdze, John A. , S2c - Phoenixville PA

Kay(e?), J. , QM2/c - Cleveland OH *

Keen, Ray T. , SC 2/c, Lexington NC

Keen, Walter G. Jr. , MoMM3/c - Phildelphia PA (Wilmington DE?) *

Keniray, Thomas L. , S1/c - Cleveland OH

Kiker, J.D. - Chatanooga, TN (see additional information below)

King, Dewey, S1/c GM - Stanton, KY

Klassen, Earl, S1/c - Cleveland OH

Koeppler, Paul A. , Coxwain - Milwaukee WI

Krassner, Jack, MoMM 1/c - Brooklyn NY

Kucey, Stephan J. , Lt. (JG) duty unknown - Bethlehem PA (NFR)

Lackey, Richard B. , S1/c - Hampton VA

Lamb, Joseph L. , MoMM 2/c - San Francisco CA (Omaha NB?)

Larkin, James J. , MoMM3/c - Wilkes Barre PA

Lavingne, Thomas F. , S2/c - New Haven CT

Leak, Raymond D. , Sm3/c - Unknown

Leeper, Lester B. , MoMM2/c - Des Moines IA

Lynch, Franklin, Lt. (JG) Medical Officer - Chelsea MA? (NFR)

Mace, William, Lt. , Executive Officer - Keesville, NY (NFR)

McCann, John E. , Coxwain - Frankfort KY

McClellion, Benson P. , S2/c - Williamston SC

McGee, Raymond J. , SM3/c - Cleveland OH

McKiddy, William K. , S1c, Gains KY

Mahek, John P. , GM 2/c, Harrisburg PA

Mauk, Russel L. , S1/c - Maumee OH

May, Hubert D. , PhM 1/c, Wilmer TX

Meilinger, Rex F. Lt. (JG) 1st Lt. & Supply Officer - address unknown (NFR)

Menis, Edward A. , S1/c, Hiddenite NC

Moberly, Joe H. , CCS U. S. N. , Mayport FL?

Mogle, Robert S. , Bosun's Mate, Hamilton PA

Mullineaux, William H. , S1/c -  Vandergrift PA

Osborne, Charles N. , S1/c - Indianapolis IN Died November 25, 2004

Page, Russell, rank unknown - Warren RI

Panaccio Joseph A. , PM3/c - Philadelphia PA *

Paxton, Clarence, MoMM3/c - Charleston WV

Payton, Clarence, CBM, New Bedford MA

Pearson, Paul H. , Em 3/c - Detroit MI

Perry, Ben H. , QM 2/c - Baltimore MD

Plimpton, Lincoln G. , MoMM1/c CPO - Brookfield MA*

Punko, Dennis Jr. , MoMM2/c - Baltimore MD

Rafferty, Charles A. Jr. , RM2/c - Springfield MA

Reed, George T. , MoMM3/c - Chicago IL

Richardson, Jack W. , MoMM2/c - Indianapolis IN

Richter, Norbert J. , S1/c - Rice Lake WI

Rowe, Thomas L. , S1/c - Charleston WV

Sadosky, Ernest J. , MoMM2/c - Windsor CT*

Sherlock, Roy O. , SC1/c - Baldwin City KS

Sikorski, Rennard D. , S1/c - Toledo OH

Smith, Royce G. , MoMM 2/c, Sandy Point ME

Sperato, Guido T. , MoMM 2/c, Baltimore MD

Stevenson, James L. , S2/c - Unknown

Stoltz, Edward L. , S1/c - Pittsburg PA

Stoute, Eduard V. Jr. , MoMM 2/c, Brooklyn NY

Sullivan, Lawrence J. , PhM2/c, Watertown MA  2BC51<at> (lives in Tenino, Washington now)

Therasse, Nelson W. , S1/c - San Francisco, CA

Thompson, Robert C. , SM3/c - Unknown *

Vannier, Edison  D. , MoMM 1/c, Glens Falls NY

Wagner, Richard G. , Lt. (JG) Small Boat Officer - Irvington NJ r. g. wagner<at>worldnet. (NFR)

Wagner, Warren E. , Ensign , Assignment unknown - Charleston WV * More info

Wilhelm, Lewis P. , rate and grade unknown, Upland PA (NFR)

Wirth, Gerard H. , RM 2/c, Baltimore MD More Info  WIRTHGH<at>

York, Thurlow Duane, Bkr3/c - Boise, ID*

Yungck, Edward L. , MoMM 2/c, Alton IL

If anyone has more information, or corrections please contact us.
We would especially be interested in information about the Army personnel who were being transported.

Martel, Philip A. , Pvt (Frenchy) 977th A Battery

Additional Information:

Teresa Carman
tcarman1 at
Navy LST 282
My grandfather served on the LST 282 and was aboard when the ship sank. Although his name is not listed I am 100% certain that in the photo of the crew that he is the gentleman on the far left out a little way between the first and second row. His name is J.D. Kiker. He enlisted in Chatanooga, Tennessee.

Sun Nov 16 2008
George T Foy
LST 282
I would like to have my email address added 

I was aboard 282 when it got bombed, evacuated to 283 down the beach. I was electrician on 282 in aux. engine room when bombed. I'm 84 years of age living in Texas for last 50 years. Thank you for correspondence and adding my address to site. What is your idenity to this site.


My name is Michael Louis Guarino. I was on the LST 282 when it was sunk by a German buzz bomb August 15, 1944. I was manning the 40 mm on the fan tail when we where struck. I was picked up by a LCVP, taken to another ship and transported to Naples. I was hospitalized in Naples and released about Sept. 1944. I was returned to the United States aboard a hospital ship to Charleston, South Carolina Naval Hospital. I received a medical discharge November 4, 1944. I noticed that my name was not on the crew list. Was the crew list covering a certain period? I was assigned LST 282 around July, after being on a survivors camp for thirty days, after my first LST 376 was torpedoed on June 9, 1944.
Mickey Guarino

I have e-mailed you on behalf of my father, for he has no computer or e-mail address.
Michael Thomas Guarino

From Tom Aubut:
I know that Michael Guarino was on the 282 when was she was sunk. The Yorks didn't get his name on their list. I know she didn"t get them all and that after Normandy we had taken on replacements from an LST that was torpedoed in the English channel. I have a list of crew that was transferred to other stations after our ship was hit. His name was on the list showing that he was sent to a hospital in Naples, Italy. Is their some way you can add him to the survivors list?

His rating was (S2C) Seaman Second Class. When those men came on board after being survivors of a torpedoing, we couldn't believe that they weren't sent home Surviving two sinkings in two months is going through hell twice in two months. I can't remember him because he was with us a short time. I often think about how many of those replacements survived the bombing.

From Sheldon Aubut:  I've added Michael Guarino to the list If there are others please let me know, and if anyone else has any information that they would like added to this site please e-mail me.

Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 20:37:00 EDT
Subject: LST 282
Hi Tom I just happened to find your web site and noticed that a crew member whose name was Russell Page was not listed, Page was a cook on 282 when it was bombed, He survived, I met page at US navy base 2 in Scotland where he was sent along with 5 or 6 other survivors for transportation back to the US. Page and I were were from the same town in Warren, R I so we had a short reunion in Scotland. Page passed away about 18 months ago at the age of 77, I later became a crewmember on LST 162. You may want to up your web page. We did meet again after the war. © 2005-2025 Site by Dropbears