Landing Ships
The Crew of L.S.T. 327

LST327 Crew, Philadellpia Navy Shipyard WWII

In the Philadelphia Navy Yard before we left!

LST327 Crew, Palermo Sicily 1943

Palermo Sicily 1943

LST327 Shipmates

This is a partial crewlist - if you can add to or correct this list, please contact us.


Stanley Alvin Lorig  Washington D.C., Coxswain Mate 2nd Class

Ernie Barone

Ed Decker

Malcolm Burge

Jack Cantwell

Stew Collins

Paul Condrin

Ed Decker

Earl Haines

Carl Haarala

Jack Wilbur McCollum

Jim McDonough

Paul Mulay

Kenneth Owen McConney - died of wounds after repatriation to US hospital. Buried in Laurel Grove, Totowa NJ.

Warren Nicholson - killed aboard LST 327 8/27/44

Carl Pfannkuch

Tom Redmond

Arthur Rosenstein

Vincent J. Santoni

John J. Santorelli - Brewster, N.Y. Purple Heart. Died November 25, 2012, age 90

Abraham Simon

George Kendall Spafford, Pharmacist First Class (PhM 1/C.) Aboard Aug 27 *

Stephen Arthur Stofelano  (?)  Aboard on Aug 27 received Purple Heart

Graham Surtees

Salvatore A. Trioli

Phil Ward
*Notes. Spafford see 327 Comments © 2005-2025 Site by Dropbears