LST 376
Landing Ship Sunk During Normandy Invasion, June 1944
Cyril M. Pombier
Email: cypombier<at>comcast.net
(or possibly cy.pombier<at>comcast.net )
Comments: My brother, Edward Pombier served as a Medic [Pharmacy mate 3rd class] on LST 376 that was sunk on the way back to Plymouth in the English Channel. He and two crew were able to spend the night near the 'fantail stabilizer'. They had been ordered to 'abandon ship' but since it was night, and COLD, they waited for almost dawn when the LST was shifting as if sinking. They heard a ship near and slid into the water. The life vests were equipped with whistle and small flashlights to signal. They were picked up by an English destroyer (1). Eddie believes the two with him were, Ed [P] Finkelstine from [sp] Pantucket,RI and 'Smite' Smith.Eddie told me, on a tape I made about 20 years ago.
[His schedule included:]Plymouth, welded additional tracks into cargo area, racks for wounded before port. Eddie told me they carried a umber of Combat engineers.]
Left June 5th, returned because of weather.
Left June 5th, evening/morning?
Landed on Omaha Beach, Red Dog area. Unloaded supplies and filled boat with wounded. ' Eddie earlier told about small boats rowed to-from beach to get wounded, but did not include this item in this recording.
Filled , started back to Plymouth.
Were torpedoed by a German S boat in the channel.
Eddie was taking a cigarette break on deck when they were hit. He had been working with a 3 person surgical unit. They were climbing towards the deck when an officer closed the hatch. At one time [Not on this tape] he told me he was threatened by a side-arm for trying to open the hatch. The same officer had told them to go into the water when he decided to stay on the LST.Do you have any information about Crew, other Survivors [If any]?
I have more information, if it will be of any interest?
Eddie was given 'survivors leave' to return home. He was transferred into the Marines as a Medic for them. He served during the cleanup period at Siapan and with the Second Marines with the invasion of [sp] Iwo Jema. I think on a LSTH, then with a unit on the island.
Eddie reenlisted in the Army after a year at home after the war. He transferred to the Airforce after their split with the Army, so he served for 26 years in with all four branches...not many have done this!
Eddie has been gone for over 15 years, I'm glad I found his tape.
Cy Pombier
cy.pombier<at>comcast.netJackson, MI
1) This was HMS Beagle
Sun May 24 2015
TIm Crowley
tcrowley1963 at gmail.com
LST 376
My Uncle Leslie J Crowley served on LST 376. I am attaching a Boston Globe story about the sinking and rescue
Wed Oct 28 2009
Mark Cooper
Found this obituary on a fellow Special Forces Soldier. It appears that he was one of the survivors of LST 376.
Wed Oct 03 2007
Marie Jones (for L.C. Jones)
LST 376
I believe my father was one of the other crew on the fantail of this ship. I've recently found out that he was on the ship, and this story fits the one we always heard. My father died in 1995.
Jan 26th 2007
name: Suzanne Johnson
ship: LST 376
Email: suzz54<at>comcast.net
Comments: I am looking for information and photos of crew on the LST 376. My Uncle. Michael H. Andalora was Machinest Mate 2nd Class was killed abandoning the ship. His brother told me he was shot when he came on deck as he was abandoning the ship. This was told to him by surviors on board. Can anyone confirm this? He is listed on the Wall of the Missing in Normandy.