Donald Gwynn
From: RANDYGMG1<at>aol.com
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 12:24 PM
To: biker<at>cwizard.com
Subject: DONALD R. GWYNNDonald R. Gwynn is my father. His middle name is Homer. From what I have been able to get out of him he was on the LST 376 when it went down and that 608 of the crew were transferred to the 282. He was in one of the 40's when the buzz bomb hit and was injured by shrapnel and blown over the side along with one other man, who were picked up by a fishing boat and turned over to the French underground and returned to U. S. control later.
He was first listed as Killed In Action, and a service was held in up-state New York for him The good news is that he is still living in up-state New York.
PO BOX 112
DELPHI FALLS NEW YORKHe was never awarded the Purple Heart for his injuries. I want to get that awarded, he is not in good health, and has been on VA disability for injuries sustained during W. W. II. We will be working with the DAV and the American Legion on this matter. My sister is printing off your web page to take to him.
May God bless and keep the faith that this will be the last time we will ever have to send our young (men and women) into harms way.
U. S. N. RET.From Sheldon: The official crew list showed Mr. Gwynn's middle initial as "R" but obviously it should be "H". There were many errors of this type in the official records.
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