Army Personnel aboard LST 282 August 15, 1944 If anyone has more information, or corrections please Contact us.
We presently have little information on the Army personnel and are keen to see anything available - newspaper articles, snapshots, oral history. . .
Wed Jun 23 2010
Barbara J. (Purdy) Kania
It is my belief that my uncle Army PFC Willard E. Purdy was aboard LST-282 on August 15, 1944 when it was destroyed by a German radio-controlled bomb. Records from the War Department in February 1945 state this fact. Mr. Purdy was a member of a gun crew with the 895th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion. Unfortunately, his body was never recovered. If you or anyone else have any additional information about my uncle, we would appreciate hearing from you. My uncle has two surviving sisters and a sister-in-law who would greatly appreciate any information you could provide. Sincerely, Barbara J. (Purdy) Kania
Fri Mar 19 2010
Patti Tedone
LST 282
My Dad, William A. Herzog "Bill", was on the LST 282 when it was hit in August of 1944. He was just a few weeks shy of his 19th birthday. I am one of 7 children that my Dad had with my Mom, Janet, the love of his life. We grew up hearing the story about what happened to my Dad and the other men on that ship. Of course, you get more details as you get older. Ask more questions and get more answers. When you're a child hearing that, you hear it, it seems kind of unreal and very distant and it becomes part of your family story, but it doesn't really sink in until your a bit older, and you realize, as best you can, just what your father actually went through. I wish he were still here today because I think I understand and feel even more since I read "The Story of The LST 282" written By Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. York. What an incredible story. So full of information. I felt like I was right there.
I would love to have shared this story with my Dad. Unfortunately I cannot, as my Dad passed away on 2/8/05.
He is Greatly Missed !!!
Feb 8th 2007
name: M. Jansen
ship: # 282
Email: jjcabmkr<at>cs.com
Comments: My Mother's husband was aboard that ship, his name was Ennis Mullins (Army). I grew up with my Mother's grief and never forgot the things she knew of the day the ship was bombed. However, it appears she had her information correct. Her story almost details the one I read on the internet. He was listed MIA and that is how it was left to this date. It is also my understanding that he was in the kitchen at the time of the bombing. My Mother seemed to know that from a Navy personnel that had been talking to him earlier , the day of the bombing. Strangely, my Mother met the sailor on a bus in Alabama that had known her husband. So, I know alot about my Mother's husband but I would like to know more about that day and him. So if anyone out there knew him, I would be grateful to know about it. Thank you
name: Dan Schmidt
location: Salem OR
email: schmidtad<at>attbi.com
Date: December 26, 2001Comments:
My father, Luke J. Schmidt , PFC, was in the 977th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery C. Included with my father's WWII memorabilia was a History of the 977th Field Artillery, which I included an excerpt. Also included an excerpt of a Vmail.From the History of the 977th Field Artillery, by Sgt. Fransis P. Mooney.
"D-Day, August 15th, was a day of great satisfaction to the Allied world, and landings on the Rivera coast were effected with what were officially described as light losses, but to the 977th it was a day of tragedy, the day on which the battalion received its worst blow of the war.
"Green Beach was not strongly defended, and most of the battalion was safely ashore when, at 9 P. M. , a lone enemy bomber came in and circled over the beachhead area. LST 282, carrying the battalion’s “A” battery and other units, was approaching the landing area when a radio controlled bomb was released from the plane and struck the ship. The ensuing fire and explosions killed 21 and wounded 71 of “A” Battery’s men and destroyed all of its guns and equipment. 12 other members of the battalion were also wounded in the holocaust. Many deeds of heroism were recorded that night and many lives saved by men of the battalion. Captain O’Toole’s DSC and many a Silver Star and Bronze Star awarded throughout the battalion, but particularly in “A” battery, bear testimony to these courageous acts. ”
My father was in battery C. Below is an excerpt from him in a V-Mail dated Aug. 14, 1945 reflecting back,
“Tomorrow will be one year since we lanced in southern France. I’ll never forget that day. Only one ship was hit by bombs then. I saw it blow up when it got hit. A last minute change in orders is all that save our ship from getting bombed. We changed places with the other ship and landed shortly before it got hit. ”
name: Nancy Roskowske Sigrist
location: McKinney, Texas 75070
email: nanchris_99<at>yahoo.comDate: December 14, 2001
Please help
I do not know how to find information on my dad. I have been told that everything burnt in Jefferson where his information was kept. I have his discharge papers and this article.6th Army Group
Lt. Gen. Jacobs L. Devers, announces that Pvt. Theodore Roskowske , son of Mrs. Edith Roskowske of Owensville Mo. has been awarded the following decoration; The Silver Star. . . "for gallantry in action near Mifnano, Italy on 14 and 15 of December 1943. During intense enemy shelling of Battery "B" area on 14 December, one man was killed and several wounded, including entrenched infantrymen and three Italian solders. With complete disregard for his on Safety Pvt. Roskowske upon hearing the calls of the wounded, immediately left his own place of cover and went to their assistance. While the heavy enemy fire continued unabated, he rendered first aid to the injured and successfully evacuated them to the aid station. The next day, during a similar occurrence, Pt. Roskowske again left his position of comparative safety to aid seven more seriously injured men. By his gallantry and unselfish devotion to duty, Pt. Roskowske reflects much credit upon himself and the U. S. Army. Also the Bronze Star. . . for heroic achievement near St. Raphael, France on 15 August 1944. Struck by an aerial bomb as it neared shore during the invasion of Southern France, LST 282 was burning fiercely and ammunition stored aboard was exploding continuously. Without regard for his personal safety, Pvt. Roskowske coolly organized an impromptu aid station and did not abandon ship until he had seen that all in need of assistance had been evacuated. By his courage and devotion to duty, Pt. Roskowske was directly responsible for the prompt treatment of many of his comrades and reflects much credit upon himself and the United States Army.I am looking for any information about my dad I can get.
Thank you
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