Lieutenant Commander Lawrence E. Gilbert "Larry" Gilbert
November 13, 1917 - November 13, 2002
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003
From: Lauren Gilbert <bugly007<at>yahoo.com>
Subject: Skipper
To: taubut<at>rcip.comDear Tom,
This is Lauren Gilbert contacting you. I would like to inform you of my father's burial service on May 23rd at Arlington Cemetery at 11:00am. His ashes and my mother's ashes will be laid in the ground following a short military service with a Navy preacher residing, a gun salute and the playing of Taps. There will be a reception after in D. C. at my Uncle's residence for those wishing to share stories, and meet the family. We
would be thrilled to meet you and any of the crew wishing to join us at Arlington and the reception following. Please pass this on to your fellow crew members of LST 282. If any wish to contact me, I'm at [phone # withheld]. I realize this is on a Memorial Day weekend observed so even now accommodations are limited and there will be a lot of people in town. I looked forward to your reply.Sincerely,
Lauren Gilbert Baginski (The Skipper's daughter)
Dear Tom,
On behalf of the Gilbert family, it is with sadness that we report the passing of our grandfather, Lawrence E. Gilbert. "Larry" Gilbert served as the Lieutenant Commander, Skipper, of LST 282, and enjoyed recounting his stories of camaraderie with his fellow shipmates. Throughout the years, it was evident that "Viejo" (as we lovingly referred to him; "Old Man" in Spanish) was extremely proud to have served his country alongside a generation of true heroes.
Larry passed away peacefully on November 13, 2002-- his 85th birthday. He enjoyed an eventful, fulfilling life, and lived in Homestead, FL for the past 11 years. His wife, Grace McGovern Gilbert, passed away in 1997.
Larry is remembered by his family as a truly heroic man who enjoyed life to the fullest. He loved sipping his bloody Mary, telling off-color jokes, and generally entertaining those around him. We are fortunate enough to have heard some of his stories from his time on LST 282, and are thrilled to have found your website.
In these times of global uncertainty, it is with honor that we remember those who so bravely and selflessly defended the United States and its allies during WWII.
If anyone wishes to contact Larry's children, Grace, Terry, Michael, and Lauren, we encourage them to do so by writing to:
Terry Gilbert, 9323 NW 48th Doral Terrace, Miami, FL 33178
Michael Gilbert, 941 NW 7th St. , Boca Raton, FL 33486
Very Truly Yours,
Courtney Gilbert Middelton
Christopher A. Gilbert
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