She was built in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, her keel laid down on Nov. 12th, 1942 launched by Ms Helen B. Higgins on Feb. 11th, 1943 and was put into commission on March 5th, 1943.
was a bare bones vessel. Designed to put troops on the enemy's beaches
in Europe and the Pacific, not intended to be of long life and so little
relegated to the comfort and safety of the crew. The crew lived aft, directly
over the ammunition lockers, and directly over the screws. A dangerous
combination, later to be of great consequence to the 327, when in a return
trip to Normandy, an enemy acoustic mine, exploded under the approaching
maximum noise level of the ship's screws, blew up the ammunition, underneath
the crews quarters, demolishing the stem area of the ship. More on this
It was Spartan! No areas for washing clothes (the writer knowing this, went ashore after commissioning, with his own funds bought an old EASY washing machine, brought it back to the ship for the crew and used it throughout the European war, with the help of much baling wire.
There was little redundancy, no tools, no through ship communication, little medicines in the sick bay (manned by a 2nd class pharmacists mate) no magazines, radios for the crew, nor movies. Just a Bare Bones vessel, again meant to bring troops into the beaches, and MAYBE get back off again!
After spending weeks in training , the 327 in company departed New York with UGS convoy of 61 ships. 15 LST's as outer ring of the convoy. On May 5th, arrived Arzew No. Africa in time to complete the North Africa operations.
The following months of attrition followed:
Tunisian Operation July 1943, Sicilian Operation Aug. 1943, Salerno Operation Sep. 1943, Anzio-Nettuno Advanced Landings Jan through March 1944, Normandy Invasion June 1944 until explosion Aug. 1944.
On 27 August, 1944, LST 327 was severely damaged by an enemy mine in the English Channel. Upon her return to the United States, she was decommissioned on 19 Nov. 1945 and struck from the navy list on 5th Dec. 1945. The 327 was sold to the Sun Shipbuilding & Dry-dock Co., on Sept. 15h 1948. The LST 327 earned 5 battle stars for WW2 service.
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