Epilogue The war is long over, and those who survived the holocausts of war's attrition went back to their civilian lives to start anew the adult life they had started.
Some to re-start their married life just entered into, and others to either stay celibate or to get married. Below are just a few names of those, whose years following WW2 war end, whose life started anew.
Ernie Barone is now a barber in Albany New York, and is still working at it!
Paul Condrin, married, I believe worked for the Postal Service, and is still in bad health due to wounds obtained during the 327 mining.
John Santorelli married, worked for the railroad, retired now, along with Lee his wife, leads a very pleasant life in Brewster, upstate New York.
Arthur "Rosie" Rosenstein, married Thelma, was a sales person for big coffee and tea company and condiments, now retired living in Florida.
Malcolm Burge, married, 2nd time to Louise, retired from postal service and other venues, live in Louiseville, Kentucky, great booster for US LST Association. Goes to every convention.
Ed Decker, married to Betty his ex-Wave wife, retired lives in Costa Mesa, California, very active in church, music, writing affairs. Constant touch! Will be at San Diego convention, this year!
Tom Redmond, married, lost his lovely wife Dottie over 2 years ago. Lives in Michigan, can't keep up with his many moves. Visited us in Florida for mini re-union. Goes to all the LST conventions.
Jim McDonough, married Muriel, I was best man at their wedding over 50 years ago. Both live out on Long Island, NY, Jim is a devoted Golfer, plays in many tournaments (wins a lot too). See him at conventions a lot!
Ex Lt. Stew Collins, married, now retired; retired person accommodations in Missouri, having a little problems with his health, as is his wife, but would love to hear from any of you.
Sal Trioli, married, lives outside the Boston area, was a great host, with his wife, when we had our LST convention in Boston a few years ago. Still same old Sal! Great Guy!
Little Guy Paul Mulay, married wife, Beverly, she is as ebullient as his stories See them at conventions!
Phil Ward, married, now lives in Nebraska, retired, does some farming to use up time. See them always at conventions!
Graham Surtees, married to Anita (who passed away a few years ago) is retired, living outside of St Louis, in Illinois. Goes to every convention! Miss Anita!
Jack Cantwell, married, lives in Massachusetts, having difficult time with health. Sorry Jack!
Earl Haines, married, lives in Maine. Keeps in touch through his granddaughter.
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