LST Mishap 1944

Resident Praised for Work in LST Mishap That Killed 21
AN ADVANCED AMPHIBIOUS REPAIR BASE ENGLAND - Coast Guardsman Joseph T. Severmo, seaman second class. counted himself today among the lucky survivors of an underwater explosion which ripped a 25-foot hole in the stern of Coast Guard 1ST 327, killing 21 and wounding 23 members of the crew, while on its 13th round trip to the Normandy beaches. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Serevino of 1020 Cutler St., Schenectady, and husband of Mrs. Carmela DeMatteo Severino of 1431 Third Ave., he has been in service since Nov. 23, 1943.
The LST 327, first landing ship for tanks commissioned to display the Coast Guard ensign, sufferéd its first major damage in more than 18 months inva- Sion duty. The heroic work of Severino and his shipmates, who stood at their posts and rescued the wounded when their ship seemed likely to go down, wcn high praise from their cnmmanding officer, Lt. Clarence J. Gilleran, who brought his vessel to safety after the explosion.
The 327 saw it first action early in 1943 when it underwent air attack at Bizerte, Tunisia, during the last and decisive stages of the Allied North African campaign. It later took part in the invasions of Sicily, Salerno, Anzio and Normandy.
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