Landing Ships
LST 722 --  USS Dodge County


Many of these are the guestbook entries from the previous incarnation of this site. Eventually we'll have a proper forum, but in the meantime you may send comments via the contact form.

Mon Oct 29 2018
Nickelson, John
bmcnick at
LST 722 USS Dodge County
Served from 1966-1968

Wed Sep 12 2018
Pauline Patricia Bundgaard
paulinebundgaard at
LST 722
Hello. My biological father served on LST 722 in 1946. His name was Curtis Willard Burgan and I am attempting to pin point the duration of the ship being docked in Yokohama, Japan in 1946. And to see if anyone may have more information about Curtis Burgan.

Sun Apr 29 2018
Cindy Beardslee Stevens
cbstevens55 at
USS Dodge County
My father, Walter Lee Beardslee, was a radioman in the 1960s.

Sun Jan 21 2018
Jim O'Donnell BM3
jimod1970 at
Sad day just heard OLD BILL Houser passed away

Sat Aug 09 2014
Jack Roop
captjack10 at
LST-722 Dodge County
I was on the dodge county in 1963-64
I was a boatswain and ran one of the lcvp

Wed Jun 11 2014
Andrew Arceneaux Jr,
ajarceneaux at
uss godge cohnty lst 722
no special message just to talk former members

Wed Nov 27 2013
alarceneaux at
i would like to here from any one who wae on bosrd from 1962 to 1964 during her recomissirng up to her trip to panama t was one of the seamen who operated one of the lcvp during our exercies wtth the marines off the coast of st. thomas

Thu Aug 15 2013
casimuir mills
USS Dodge County LST 722
If anyone can help to locate BM George Drain, please E-Mail me at casimuir2<at> or call me at 205 887-4413.

Tue Jul 31 2012
benjamin wheeler yn3 1961 -1963
uss dodge county lst 722
Hi to all the shipmates of the missle crisis cruise. Bill Smithey and Emmet Jones good to see all is well ,great website,found it by accident

Wed Feb 15 2012


Tue Aug 30 2011
William Houser
lst 722
hey this is William Houser. I just wanted to touch base. Many of the photos posted are ones done so by me. My Dad is William Houser Jr. he served on the Dodge County between 1963, and 1966.

Tue Jan 25 2011
Emmett Jones
I'm Emmett Jones I sent the photos per EDWARD WILLIAMS on 01/23/11.(2) were labled incorrect.Iam resending the (2)photos so you can see the correct Info.Sorry for the will notice, Edward Williams is different from BM1 EDWARDS.Thank you..Emmett.

Wed Dec 15 2010
Bill Powell
USS Dodge County LST 722
Sawe John Huff re, Millas Had to say I served with Millas. Very nice guy

Sun Jul 04 2010
Ken Brooks
LST 722
I was one of a group of Boy Scouts who were guests of the Dodge County as she crossed the equator in '66 or '67. Still have my shellback certificate, complete with bare-breasted mermaids hanging in my office. Thanks very much to that fine vessel and the crew for a fun-filled week.

Sun Feb 28 2010
Joe Brenton
My father was on the 722 as a cook, David Brenton

Thu Dec 24 2009
William (Stretch) Fieler
USS Dodge County LST 722
I know I'm a just a bit early...but Merry Christmas to all of my former Dodge shipmates.
Stretch Fieler RM3 June'65..June '67

Thu Dec 10 2009
John Huff (father was Millias Huff)
USS Dodge County (LST 722)
Hi, on your page for the Dodge Co. you list a "" link that is is missing a should read:  My dad served aboard the Dodge Co. in the 1960's...he and I have thouroughlly enjoyed this site. many thanks for the work you put into it.

Mon Aug 31 2009
Roald Zvonik
LST 722
I am a "plank owner" of the LST 722 serving when we boarded it in Jeffersonville, IN. and departed when we turned it over the Naval Reserve in Hartford, CT in 1946
Any of the old shipmates my contact me via email

Sun Apr 26 2009
Anthony J Doyle
L.S.T 722
I served on the LST 722 from 1944-46 in the pacific. My E-Mail address is: ajdoylesr<at> if any of my old shipmates would like to contact me.I would like to hear from them

Wed Aug 20 2008
John Domagala
Served from July 52 to Jan3 56,decommisioned.I was GMM2 Great to find this site.Hometown Buffalo N.Y.

Thu Mar 13 2008

Sun Mar 02 2008
David A. Combs
USS Bulloch County LST-509
I was aboard the Dodge County from 30 Jan. '66 thru 23 May '66. I along with several of my shipmate from the USS Bulloch County came aboard and made a voyage to Iceland while awaiting the refitting of the Bulloch to be completed. I remember some of the cruise but not everything. I do remember that we had to pump off all of our ballast and a lot of our freshwater and wait for high tide inorder to enter the harbor. We tied up to a pier which had a fish cannery on one side and a whorehouse dead off the bow. The other thing that I remember very well is that my counterparts in the engineering department were a bunch of great guys. If there are any of the Bulloch County hands out there who would like to write I would love to hear from you. That goes for you Dodge County hands as well.

Thu Feb 21 2008
Tommy Rogillio
USS Dodge County LST 722
John Wise, Deschenes,I remember ya'll. I was a RD3 & played softball with you John. Ken, Johnson etc. Please e-mail me asap.I got off in Jan 69, before you went back to Panama!

Tue Jan 15 2008
Alfred "B.L." Whitehead
USS Dodge County LST 722 leaving Little Creek, VA. 1966  Photo courtesy of William "Stretch" Fieler


Wed Dec 19 2007
Bill Fieler (Stretch)
USS Dodge County LST 722
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!

Bill Fieler RM3 (Stretch) Cincinnati
July '65...July '67

Fri Nov 16 2007
Alfred "B.L." Whitehead
USS Dodge County LST 722
Spent two years on the "Dodge". I remember RM2 Rose, RM3 Campbell, RM3 Fieler, RM3 Cates. Skipper for my tour was Lt Billy Price. Great tour, great crew!!

Sat Oct 20 2007
anthony j doyle jr
LST 722
my father served on board the 722 in 44-46.said all they did was float around the phlippines and saw no action at all.well you make me belive he and his shipmates did a little more than that .thanx.i knew it!

Thu Oct 11 2007
Dick Hepner
LST #722-Dodge County & others
Can anyone help me identify the 5 to 8 LST's that carried 1st Armored Division troops & equipment for a training "invasion" of Hollywood Beach, FL from Dec. 4-7, 1962? I believe #758, #722 and the Cal Argo were 3 of them. Thanx.

Fri Sep 28 2007
Bill Smithey
USS Dodge County (LST-722)
Served Aboard 1961-1963
Seaman to PN3
Great times in Panama

2nd September 2007
name: George Chandler
ship: USS Dodge County (LST-722)
Email: chandlergeorge<at>
Comments: My name is George Chandler and I served as radarman second class onboard the Dodge County from 11 Jan 69 until the time she was decommissioned at the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility in Orange, TX in Oct 69. Helped Dodge County win the Battle Efficiency Award for fiscal year 1969. Of all the ships I served on, I think I liked the Dodge best. After she was decommissioned I spent the remainder of my enlistment at Beach Jumper Unit 2 in Little Creek, VA. Honorably discharged on 21 Oct 70.

24th August 2007
name: Dave Davis
ship: USS Dodge County (USS Bullock CTY)
Email: davrock<at>
I was on the Dodge County from February of 1966 to Feb of 67, I absolutely loved my time with all of my shipmates. I actually was assigned to the Bulloch County but she was being refitted and recomissioned. We were put on the Dodge temporarily.

I remember going to Iceland, being a lookout as we traversed the inlets and bays, the ice was thick on everything. The borrowing (heh-heh) of all those British Limey's hats and the US Air Force Flight Jackets from the enlisted mens club as well as several of us driving an old ambulance back to ship with the Jukebox from the club inside. The next day, before we were allowed to leave port we were forced to return all items. I can still see all of those hats and jackets flying through the air as we lined the rail and threw them to the pier.The Exec officer made us return everything by order of the Harbormaster, except the Jukebox. He ordered me to paint it Gray and I did, along with several deck hands. We shadowed a Russian trawler during this trip (I actually think they shadowed us)this lasted about 4 days, we were under general quarters for quite a while, this was the cold war and we came real close to an international incident. Things were real edgy there for awhile and we all let out a collective sigh of relief when they disappeared into a fogbank one early a.m.

We raced two British ships to Bermuda and we beat them, we enjoyed quite a party at sea along the way and I do mean a deck party. Swimming, fishing and a bit of spirits.

A group of us used to set in the fantail gunmount and sing songs that we liked. We borrowed Pies, bread and other fresh baked items and devoured them in that gunmount. They used to set them out to cool just ouside the galley and of course some of us could not resist.

I wish I could remember all of my shipmates names but I can't. I have thought of you often.

Dave Davis - Seaman

11th July 2007
name: John Wise
ship: USS Dodge County (LST722)
Email: wisejohnd<at>
Comments: My name is John Wise and I am from Minneapolis Minnesota. I served on board the USS Dodge County from June 66 to June 68. I recently visited Panama and the old Rodman Naval Base. Lots of good memories were rekindled such as the gym, the ball fields, the piers, the enlisted mens club (still there but not open), and the swimming pool. I started out in Deck Force and then by the end of my two year tour worked in the ship office as 3rd class. One of my foundest memories was the softball team we had on the ship. We had a great team and took second place in our leauge which included some good size ships. Some other members of the team were Donnie Stephenson, Kenny Martin, Johnson (great Pitcher), Jake and Carlson. Other shipmates that come to mind were George Drain, Chuck Casey, Raymond Thompson, Eagle, Little Joe, Stein, and Valdimar Longoria. Love to hear from any of my old shipmates.

name: Gary moore
Email: gmoore606<at>
Comments: Another name has come out of my pass today, LT.(jg) Gabriel P. Caprio, I too, was on board during part of his tour, he was person who saved my life and got me a two weeks in the bilges chipping paint instead of two months in the brig, I was on that cruise to Colombia, and also to Cuba, we were under the command of Frances Kelly, We sort of left Panama in a hurry, and many left there cars behind, mine was in need of repairs, so I left it in Little Creek some were not as lucky, It is great to see the XO, and the fact that he is still around abd kicking, We need to put together a reuion, Ok that means some one out there start organizing it, Maybe in Evansville, In. where LST-325 is still out there kicking and still cruising the Ohio, Mississippi, and Illinois Rivers, and while I'm at it let me put a plug in for the United States LST Association, P.O. Box 167438, Oregon, Ohio. 43616 [], join up now yearly dues are $19, there is a lot of news in the LST Scuttlebutt, you might fine someone from the past you knew. Take care all, and remmember we need those pictures, please e-mail them to me and I'll see that they get posted or send them to the contact at this web site, We need them now, before we lose our eyesite, Gary Moore

13th May 2007
name: Gabriel P Caprio
ship: USS Dodge County (LST-722)
gabejrilyn<at> [bounced]
Comments: I served as Executive Officer from re-commisioning in 1961 to late 1962. I also served as Acting Commanding Officer during 1962 and was lucky enough to command the ship on a good-will visit to Barranquilla, Colombia from Panama as a Lt(jg). As I recall, we would have been amongst the first ships to invade Cuba if the attack hadn't been called off. Our target was Mariel. As far as I know, she's still active in the Thai Navy.

April 27th 2007

Mike Vallee
USS Dodge County LST 722

I  Was Aboard the USS Dodge County LST 722, in February 1969. Departed Morehead City, NC to Vieques Island Puerto Rico with 8th Marines Regt Hq Co.

The trip was rough seas all the way. At before dawn we pulled around the SouthEast end of Vieques into a fleet landing exercise. Signaling was constant. As dawn finally broke. The CO a Lt.Cmdr, anounced that all the departing Marines where to have their  seabags seached for the missing ceramic cups from the galley.

Well, What was that for? Because, in route as we lined up in groups of 10 outside the galley and due to rough seas we were told to pitch the broken  pieces of cups over board directly out the galley hatch, the cups were sliding on the racks, back and forth into each other and break'n. I really remmember the diesel exhaust coming over us as we waited out side the Galley. This ocuured over 6 days at sea.

Now for the Landing. Ha Ha Ha. As the airsrikes and gunfire ceased, the ship was ordered in first thing to make the first landing. All the Marines were  ordered below when all of a sudden the ship rose up at the bow and moaned to a stop. --We slid up on a rock formation.---Wo HOE wowee. The CO tried to  back off it, the hull was sliced open a little and taking water, and was being filled with something or sealed in that compartment any way. Dogboats from  other ships tied on to both sides of the ship. They pulled one way then the other to wiggle the ship off the rock.

Mid afternoon, finally we broke free. By that time a pontoon dock was set up, exercise was over, ships mostly gone and we docked and unloaded. I drove my radio jeep off to the beach and took a nice picture of the Dodge County at the end of the dock. Needless to say the so called seabag search was never commenced. We all thought the CO would lose his ship command for that one.

name: gary devericks
ship: LST-722
Email: garydevericks2003<at>
Comments: I have a friend that served on the LST-722. I would like to purchase some kind of memorabilia with LST-722 on it as an Engineman. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


4th March 2007
name: James C. Sexton

name: Larry Syth
ship: U.S.S. Dodge County LST-722
Email: gmoore606<at>
Comments: From Gary Moore, This quest has taken me 40 Plus years, but I've finally found this shipmate, and if you remember Larry, call him and bug him about all those pictures he says he has, He lives in Oregon, 1-503-936-4118, don't tell him I gave you his phone Number.

8th Feb 2007
name: Robert J. DesChenes
ship: LST Dodge County 722
Email: Deschenes<at>
Comments: Hi Butch, My name is Bob DesChenes. I was a EM3 on board Dodge county in 1967.I think I remember you from trip to Panama canal.The captain's name was Daily and the Exo's was Powell. Few of other crew members names where Frank Wells EM2, Kirk Aho EM3, Yost A seaman ,Bill Bowman , Silerman En3,Balwin Ct3, Fyfie En1 ,and Nicholas I think. If you can remember any one else or have any one else's E- mail address It would be great to here from them.Thank you for posting your E-mail address on the USS LST &22 Dodge County Site.Hope to get a reply from you .former crew member ,Bob 'Desey' DesChenes.

11th October 2006
name: Wayne J Sabo; LTC ; US Army (RET)
ship: LST 722
Email: byotech<at>
Comments: Julius L. Sabo, crewmember of LST 722 in WWII passed away on October 10, 2006, at the age of 93. He forever loved his ship and crew mates.

5th October 2006
name: Steve Loomis
ship: USS Harlan County, LST 1196
Email: sloomis<at>
Comments: If you are interested in items from the USS Dodge County, LST 722, there is currently a 'VINTAGE USS DODGE COUNTY LST-722 SHIP BELT BUCKLE' on eBay that you might check out. It ten bucks, item number: 230035371785. Steve. 4 Oct '06 

Oct 2006
name: Gerald 'Jerry' Nichols
ship: LST 722
Email: az1931<at>
Comments: I was in the navy and on the LST722 around 1951-1955, from Rochester,MN.
I have been hoping to locate Bob Helier of N.Y

name: Steve Merchant
ship: LST 722
Email: afterguard15<at>
Comments: My father, Vic Merchant was first CO of LST 722. I was impressed with the web site and all the comments. Would like to hear from anyone who would care to share sea stories about my father. As a chip off the old block I am a 20 year Navy veteran myself.

October 2005
name: Joe M. Paul
ship: USS Dodge County, LST 722
Email: pauljr<at>
Comments: I was aboard the Dodge County from Jan 66 to Aug 67. First cruise was from Norfolk to Iceland and Spain, then back to Norfolk. Several trips through the Panama Canal. Once across the Equator, and several visits to different Central American countries. Lt Billy Price was the CO.

Wed 7 Dec 2005
Stanley Yokell
LST 722
Email: syokell<at>
It was a thrill to read Wayne Sabo's posting about his father Julius Sabo who was our shipfitter on LST 722 during WWII all the time I was on board. Wayne, if you read this, please ask your dad if he remembers crawling through manways with me dragging a welding cable and welding up a pair of plates that the Jeffersonville Boat and Machine Co. missed so we kept getting a flooded forward void tank. It was a hard, dirty job that your dad did well. Also ask him if he remembers taking a torch to straighten out the bent blades of the screws that got bent on our Lingayen Gulf landing. I was one of the people who changed the screws under water.

Stan Yokell

Cdr. Wason Trijit
Royal Thai Navy(RTN.)
Email: wason.t<at>
I'm Cdr. Wason trijit Royal Thai Navy(RTN).
Last five years(year 2000). I'm commanding officer of HTMS Prathong (LST-715). HTMS Prathong (LST-715) is new name in RTN of USS
Dodge County LST-722. In 1975 USS Dodge County LST-722 transferred, sold to Thailand, under the Security Assistance Program.
Now HTMS Prathong (LST-715) service in Amphibious Squadron RTN at Bangkok Thailand. She's a good ship.

RTN maintain she look like USS Dodge County LST-722 in the past.

October 2005
name: Stanley Yokell
ship: No ship now. I am a civilian
Email: syokell<at>
Comments: I was LST 722's first engineering officer. serving with Captain V. M.Mechant, Jr., a mustang and former (and later after the war) a Chief Quartermaster. My fellow officers were Ens William Fox Jr., our first First Lieutenant, Ens. H. Keith (Hank) Owens, Gunnery Officer, Ens. R. Stuart Goodwin, Communications Officer, Ens. Vincent G. Doyle, Supply Officer, Ens. Joseph S. Altman, Supernumerary Officer who later swapped positions with Bill Fox Jr., Ens. Wilhart, M.Ranta, Supernumerary Officer...

name: Gary Moore
ship: USS Dodge County
Email: Gmoore606<at>
Comments: I was digging thru the actic and came across 2 Item's of interest, (1) a simple shoulder patch, that Reads USS DODGE COUNTY, the other a ZIPPO Lighter, with The USS Dodge County on it and my initials and a date of 1964, I have taken pictures of each.



That looks fairly good to me,  cut the picture in half like you did, and make two pictures out of one, do you know how hard it to get pictures out of these Guys? Its like pulling teeth., its been over 40 years, most are up in there 60's and to lazy to up in the attic, or even open a draw and look for them?

Thanks To Sheldon Aubut for letting me post my pictures to begin with, LST-722 wouldn't even existed, I've been on a search for 5 years trying to find old ship mates, and I think I've done fairly good so far, I've been after George Kelly to post his for over a year, he won't part with the originals, His Farther was are Captain when on was on board the Dodge County.

I've also been after the Shipmates of LST-983 are "sister ship" to join the web site, but to this day, I haven't seen anything? they even had a reunion this year, haven't got any feed back from that either?
Thanks for you help.
Gary Moore

10th October 2005
name: Mike Rudman RM2
ship: USS Dodge County LST 722
Email: mpaul410<>
Comments: I was transferred to the Dodge Cty. in Sept. 64 until disch. in Apr. 65. I have never met a greater bunch of guys in my life. As I was looking at Bill Housers' group of photos, I saw a picture of myself in the TV room. (far right)'WOW'. I also found an e-mail address for Kevin C., whom of which I haven't seen since I worked in Long Is. in 1989. I did get a visit from Mike Johns back in the mid 70's though. He was an ET in our comm div. Anyone out there see or ever hear from John (froggy) Guifree? As I look back now, I wish I had taken more photos of our old times instead of drinking so damn much. I do remember going in and out of the Panama Canal countless number of times, then back and forth to Peru. Great times from another life... Getting older now. I am orig.from Pittsburgh, Pa. and reloc. to Las Vegas, NV. Just couldn't take the cold and snow much longer. I had a home building co. in Pgh. and soon will be doing the same thing in Vegas. If any of you ol' shipmates plan to visit LV sometime in the future, please look me up via my e-mail. I think we should consider having a reunion here. Any comments? Let me know.

September 2005
Joe M. Paul
ship: USS Dodge County, LST 722
Email: pauljr<at>
Comments: I was aboard the Dodge County from Jan 66 to Aug 67. First cruise was from Norfolk to Iceland and Spain, then back to Norfolk. Several trips through the Panama Canal. Once across the Equator, and several visits to different Central American countries. Lt Billy Price was the CO.

14th August 2005


My  father served the USS Dodge County aboard from November, 1963 to March, 1966. His name is William Houser (Bill). Below is a picture of him as you would remember him. I literally have hundreds more. Please let me know if you remember him. I believe that moving forward with life depends in large part upon remembering where you came from. You can get ahold of me with the following email addresses:


William Houser.jpg
William Houser

subject: USS. Dodge County
Email: wchouser3<at>
message: Greetings, My name is William Houser III. My father served on the USS. Dodge county during the same years you have indicated on your photographs. His name is William Houser Jr. He has literally hundreds of pictures of his time there. please let me know if you recieve this message.

subject: LST 722
Email: glenlin<at>
message: My Dad was aboard during WW II. He got on at Evansville IN. & was with the ship til 11/10/44 when he was injured during the explosion of the MT. Hood at Manus Island. He's looking for any shipmates. His name is Charles Godfrey Thank you

name: Alfred "B.L."  Whitehead
location: Rockwood, TN
email: alfredwhitehead<at>
Date: 05 July, 2005


The Dodge County was my first ship. Capt. Price was commanding. Spent a lot of time going back and forth thru the Panama canal. Alfred Whitehead RMC USN (Ret)

name: Grant Sabo
location: Carol Stream, Illinois
email: Megrant63<at>
Date: 21 May, 2005


My father Julius L. Sabo was on LST 722 in the South Pacific during the Phillipine Liberation. It's great finding this site.

name: Wayne J. Sabo
location: Manvel, Texas
email: byotech<at>
Date: 19 May, 2005


I'm a Retired Army Officer but my Dad, Julius L. Sabo (age 92) served on this ship since the day it left the USA until the end of WWII. Any shipmates out there?


name: Bill Fieler
location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Date: 09 May, 2005


I served on the Dodge County as well! June 1965 thru July 1967. Nickname was "Stretch". Started out as a deck ape (most everyone was), and left as an RM3 (a person can only take some much paint chippin' and red-lead). Just kidding, I wouldn't trade those days for nothing. If I'm not mistaken, I remember Jim O'Donnell and Kevin Campbell. Was O'Donnell the one who used to paint the "rat guards" with faces of "big cats"? Yes I remember the Equator trips going from a pollywog to a shellback on our way to Lima,Peru (October, 1965). Oh well, enough for now. Dorp me a line...e-mail address is posted above!

name: Bill Hagen
location: Santa Rosa, CA
Date: 29 March, 2005


I served on LST 722 from 1952 to 1954 also a Shipfitter 3rd. and 2nd.class. Petty Officer. Little Creek, Virginia was our home port. Right now, I'm in the process of moving down to Southern California,(pictures are packed)and once estiblished, I will send pictures that I took while on this ship. I will have a new e-mail when I change location which I will send. Bill Hagen

name: Kevin B. Campbell
location: Long Island New York
Date: 28 March, 2005


I was aboard the USS Dodge County from May 1964 to May 1966. We operated mostly out of Panama with a detour to Iceland, Spain and Bermuda. We also did several equator crossing enroute to Peru. It was an interesting time for me and an experience that I will never forget. I loved being at see and going to foreign ports in the two years that I was aboard as an active duty reservist. We had the best bunch of guys as ships company.

name: Kevin B. Campbell
location: Long Island New York
Date: 28 March, 2005


I was aboard the USS Dodge County from May 1964 to May 1966. We operated mostly out of Panama with a detour to Iceland, Spain and Bermuda. We also did several equator crossing enroute to Peru

name: SN Johan Berger
location: L/ Creek, Va
Date: 27 March, 2005


Server aboard 61/63. At that time I was simply doing my two year active duty ad per USNR. I returned to service in 1972 (USN) and retired 1991 as HTC. Of all the ships I served on this was the worst... perhaps best. Ican't be certain of either. I miss only the old shipmates and have seen only one somewhere in Indianapolis. Many were fron Michigan which I now reside. Hopefully I'll hear fron some with this short comment. My name is Johan but commenly known as john. VR/ J. Berger

name: Roger Eagle
location: Staunton, VA
Date: 25 March, 2005


I served aboard the Dodge County from June 1966 to June 1968. Went to Panama 3 times. Visited all of the Central American countries and 2 of the South American countries. Got out as a BM3. Enjoyed visiting this website. Good to see pictures of the ole bucket and interesting to see where she is now.

name: Carl G. Sealander  "C"
location: Branchville, NJ
Date: 09 March, 2005


I served on the Dodge County from 61-63. I am looking for former crew members. Drop a line.

name: Butch Gross
location: Niles, Ohio
Date: 24 February, 2005


I was stationed on the Dodge County in 68 and 69. Decommisioned it in Orange, Texas.

Feb 15 2005


Out of the blue, I get an e-mail last week from George Kelly, the son of my CO., Frances Kelly who was my captain during my tour of duty.
He asked me if i knew his father, which I told him I did, (of course its wasn't like a shipmate, or someone you hung out at the local bar with).
I told him of an experience I had with his father at captains mast, where I was accused of hitting another petty officer of a higher rating, I got off very light for something I did, had I not had a witness that saw the whole thing which was a fellow officer standing above us when it happened, he was the one that made the report, and came forward on my behalf.
The accuser got a transfer, and I got off very easy,  I told him his father could have demoted me, or put me in the brig, but instead I got two weeks chipping paint.
Lt. Kelly or pop Kelly as we called him was one of the guys, he came up thru the ranks from being a sailor on a Sub in WWII, to being an officer in the modern Navy.
He told me his father passed away in 2003 of cancer, we didn't go into detail, his final e-mail he said I had made his day.

This was something that made my day also, he told me that when he had time he would go thru his fathers things at his mothers house and find any history about the LST-722, or about his father that would be helpful in are History section, He asked me if that was his father in the some of the pictures we had posted, and I told him yes.
I wanted you to know, that because of you and your web site, this event has happened, and I thank You.
Gary Moore.

name: William Roy Hagen
location: Santa Rosa
Date: 18 December, 2004


I served on the LST 722 from 1952-1954. At that time we did not have a name, only a number,(722). I was also a 3rd/2nd class Petty Officer on this ship. I mustered out in November,1954 at Norfolk, Virginia. Most of the time we took Marines from Morehead City, SC down to Vieques in the Caribbean for war games. Spent most of our time at Little Creek, Virgina and was overhauled in 1953 in Philadelphia Navy Yard where I met my wife to be. Now married 50 years and living in Santa Rosa, CA. Please send me your e-mails when you find the time. Bill Hagen

name: Gerald M.Grant
location: Norfolk,Virginia
Date: 16 December, 2004


Was a crewmember for about 4years 61-65 as an EM1

name: Jim O'Donnell
location: Bridgewater, NJ
Date: 15 December, 2004


I was a deck ape on the Dodge from 1964 to 1966. BM3 when I left.

name: William Shepard Harris
location: 117 Cedarmeade Ave Wimchester Va 22601
Date: 13 December, 2004


This is a good site,I just finish looking at Gary pictures and they brought back many memories.My service experience served me well,the job I worked at I got because the person that hired had the same job in the Navy.

name: Robert Tiffany
location: Borger, Texas
Date: 11 December, 2004


I was an FN aboard the Dodge County 1964 to May 1966.

name: al (en) wilderman
location: cedar rapids, iowa
Date: 10 December, 2004


need more.......

location: DETROIT MI.
Date: 10 December, 2004



name: Gary Moore
location: Orlando, Florida
Date: 10 December, 2004


We should thank Sheldon Aubut for letting us post our information on this site, I invite all of our shipmates to send there picture to be added, everyone take care, Gary Moore "X" Shipfitter 1st Class, U S Navy © 2005-2025 Site by Dropbears